Monday, August 5, 2013

A Little Child Shall Lead Them

"A little child shall lead them." Isaiah 11:6c

The sources of devotionals never cease to amaze me. They come from my study of His Word, they come from my life experiences, they come from the life experiences of others. Sometimes they come out of the sky blue and capture my heart in a moment of time. That happened this morning. As I was sitting in my car (a very common workplace for me) I was facing the Memorial Cross that graces the median that separates our parking. The inscription at the base of that cross simply reads...

"In Loving Memory"
Denise Marie Nelson
"A little child shall lead them"

This memorial was erected decades ago and serves as a lasting reminder to a truth that our dear Elsie Nelson understands very, very well. From her loss we and heaven have gained much. I cannot count the number of times I have paused at the base of that cross and reread that inscription. I have explained that inscription to scores of people over the years. Today I witnessed a beautiful thing that I have seen a number of times before, but today it was particularly touching. Children love to play on and climb the concrete base of the cross and slide down its slanted edges. Children also love to stand at the foot of the cross and hang on. I love to watch this. Today I especially loved it. Enjoy this.

This morning I watched as a little boy took his father by the hand and led him to the foot of the cross. I saw him ask his dad (note: somewhat deaf Pastor does read lips) "Daddy, what does that say?" His dad then reads him the entire inscription. The little boy then asks "What happened to the little girl?" The dad then explains about Denise Marie being in heaven and how someone put this cross up in her memory. The boy then asks "Why did they put up a cross?" The dad does his best in great detail to explain about Jesus and about the cross. The little boy grabs onto his father's leg and holds on and dad puts his hand on his boy's head and wipes a tear from his eye. After a few quiet moments the little boy is back to playing and the dad has experienced what the inscription says. "A little child shall lead them." Is that not one of the most touching scenes you have heard in awhile? It brought me to tears just watching it happen and now again sharing it with you.

The truth of the Word of God read is a good thing. The truth of the Word of God illustrated by a real live human experience is priceless. Thank God for the cross. Thank God that Elsie had the vision to erect it. Thank God for the life of Denise Marie. Thank God for a Food Drive that allows for people to line up near that cross and have so many read it. I have seen so many similar scenes happen there. Thank God for the truth that children do so often lead us to and show us the truth. I hope this little vignette that happened in Grace Harbor touches your heart today.

With His Love,
Pastor Fred

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