Wednesday, August 14, 2013

I'm Sailing!

"From Attalia they sailed back to Antioch, where they had been committed to the grace of God for the work they had now completed." Acts 14:26

From time to time I need to remind myself that it is Luke who is writing the Book of the Acts of the Apostles. When he writes "they sailed" it says two things to me. One, he was not with them or he would have written "we sailed". Luke uses "we" when he is part of the experience and "they", when he is not. It’s pretty clear if you study the passages. But, it also says to me that "they" came to him and told him about the sailing trip, and probably in more detail than we read here.

Maybe you are not a huge ocean or sea fan like I am, but I am imagining being on a boat and sailing with the early disciples, especially after they had completed the work and were returning to where they were commissioned to do that ministry. How exciting! I imagine them sharing all the things that God did, both the wonderful and the perilous things that happened. Remember, it is not long before this that Paul is left for dead and being nearly stoned to death.

The work of the Lord is dynamic. You don't have to be a pastor to be part of what God is doing. Some of the stuff is really rewarding and the rest of it can be draining. There is never a dull moment. Picture this daylong boat trip (uhhh, without a motor) and the sound of the sea and the time together sharing about what God has done, is doing, and will do. The ocean is both a calming and frightening place. I find it both soothes and excites my spirit. No matter what happens in ministry, since it is the God of the Universe that is in charge, we know we are going to be OK.

A movie that comes to mind from some years ago is "What About Bob?" A farcical comedy about an obnoxious, obsessive-compulsive therapy client (Bill Murray) who tracks his therapist (Richard Dreyfuss) down on his vacation because he feels he needs him all the time. Totally undone by his client, the therapist straps him to the mast of his sailboat with plans to throw him overboard. To which Bill Murray exclaims..... "I'm Sailing!” Now that’s a really positive way of looking at it. My point is that no matter whether you are being stoned and left for dead or leading people to the saving grace of our Savior... It is all ministry and is part of the experience of serving him. A few times in the midst of some of the most difficult times in ministry I have faced I have mustered up all my strength and exclaimed, "I'm Sailing!" even though in reality I might be going down the tubes at the moment. As long as I go down the tubes for Jesus, I'm good with that.

These early disciples were amazing in their capacity to see it all as for the glory of God. We have something to learn here. You don't have to be crazy like Bob in order to see that whatever happens, as long as it is for the Kingdom, it is a good thing. Make the most of "Sailing!", whether it is during a storm or on glassy seas or strapped to the mast, waiting to be thrown overboard. My hope here is that you will put what is happening to you in perspective. If it is God at work, be blessed. If not, maybe getting into the middle of what God is doing would make your experience more meaningful and fulfilling.

In His Service,
Pastor Fred

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