Tuesday, August 13, 2013

James Spoke Up

"When they finished, James spoke up: "Brothers, listen to me." Acts 15:13

This Council at Jerusalem that takes place in Acts 15 is one of the key moments in early church history. There are battle lines being drawn over how much of the Jewish tradition was going to be incorporated into the early church. Pharisees who were converts to Christianity were taking a stand that new male believers needed to be circumcised. This may have been because of a passion for doing things according to the Law in an attempt to glorify God. Or, it could have been done in order to deter early believers from converting to the faith. I can see both.

Paul and Barnabas have just spoken eloquently before this verse. They have given a brilliant explanation of why Gentiles should be included in the family of God and why the change of heart and decision for needing grace was more important than the outward signs of obedience to the Law. Influence is often about timing. As soon as they finished making their case, James speaks up. He, in timely fashion throws his weight behind Paul and Barnabas and their plea. This is James, the author of the Book of James. This is James, the half-brother of Jesus. This is James, who came to a full understanding of who his brother was, after the resurrection and ascension. He is respected and revered. His opinion counts and he gives it at a very opportune time: a pivotal time of decision making about whether fledgling Christianity was going to emphasize grace or tradition. Grace wins out.

Oh that we should use our influence so effectively. There is a time to make our support clear. There is a time to say what you know your brother would have said. James made one of the most influential short presentations ever in scripture. God definitely had the right man in the right place at the right time, saying the right thing. We would do well to be so responsive to the Spirit at crucial times. James shares some amazing insights in his Epistle. We would do well to read his inspired words.

For Him,
Pastor Fred

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