Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Letting Nations Go

"In the past, He let all nations go their own way." Acts 14:16

Everywhere, and I do mean everywhere, God's testimony is present, no matter if it is the remotest place on earth, or right in our own backyard. God is omnipresent and His Spirit is everywhere. He also reveals Himself in nature, which is obviously everywhere. If a tree falls in the forest, it makes noise because He hears it. Even though God has been ever-present throughout history, man has often refused to recognize Him. Not only man, but collectively..... nations. Whole people groups and cultures have had opportunity to be reached and they have individually and collectively rejected Him. Yet, everywhere on earth there are believers. There are presently very few people groups that have not heard the direct gospel, and in their own language too. There are mission organizations dedicated solely to reaching these remote places and peoples.

Yet, when we read this verse, we wonder if God just lets people and nations go their own way. He does both. He tries to intervene and He also gives room to reject. He will not force anyone, nation or individual to turn to Him. We have many opportunities and we also have complete independent choice-making abilities. In this verse it is being pointed out that He worked through the Hebrew nation, but let others go their own way. Yet, even back then He made a way for people to know Him and find Him. After the dissemination of the Gospel we have even fewer excuses. With the advent of the internet and phone distribution being so widespread along with television and radio, there is a constant telling of the Good News that goes on. Someday all will have had the opportunity to be reached.

What about here in the United States? Is there anyone who hasn't been reached? Yes indeed. There are children and youth who hear for the first time the story of the love and grace of Jesus. At Vacation Bible School this week, two young men, highschoolers, accepted Christ as Savior and repented, seeking His salvation.

Is our nation entering a season of being let go by God? Have we had our opportunity to be a Christian founded nation and now are we collectively rejecting Him? Good questions. It seems we are trying to eliminate God completely from the public sector. Will we be much like Europe in many ways, a continent that over time rejected Him? There is just now is a new revival coming in Europe.

Think about the Holy Land... not just Israel, but the surrounding areas where the gospel was first preached. There are places where the Early Church first established churches that no longer have churches... at all. That to me is a little overwhelming. I cannot imagine Paul or Peter ever imagining that where they planted would be so spiritually dry. Aren't you glad to hear that souls came to Christ in Grace Harbor? Do you know that in most churches there are no fresh converts? The greatest evangelism is happening on other continents. Our country is at a tipping point. We have already entered a Post-Christian era. Will it accelerate or will there be a fresh revival? God wants us to be revived, but He will also let us go our own way. It depends on the passion of believers, whether we continue to spread the Gospel or not. A whole new generation needs to hear it fresh and real. We are so distracted by this world, we may be losing our passion for the lost. These will be telling times that we live in. Someday will missionaries from somewhere else try to help us find our faith again? We will see. Spread the Word, Pastor Fred

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