Tuesday, January 21, 2014

What We Are Not Doing

"For the appeal we make does not spring from error or impure motives, nor are we trying to trick you." 1 Thessalonians 2:3

Why do we do what we do as Christians? When we appeal to people by the grace of God to turn to Christ, what is our motive? This verse explains what Paul says is not our motivation. We spread the gospel because we believe earnestly that it is the truth. We are not deceived or deluded, not conniving or trying to pull the wool over anyone's eyes. We are simply sharing what God has done for us and will do for all. That is, provide a way to deal with the gap between man and God through redemption.

Christians and the church have been accused of all types of motivations. Mind you, I will be the first to admit that too often Christians have misrepresented who we are and have fallen into the very things that Paul describes here. If any believer or organization that represents believers ever falls into these practices, it is a sign of them being outside of God's will and poor witnesses, to say the least. I spend a lot of my time talking to unbelievers and dis fellowshipped believers dealing with the awful and inappropriate and wrong things that people have done in the name of Jesus and His church.

We are not crazy. We have the truth. We hopefully understand the truth and practice the truth enough not to totally misrepresent the truth. We don't have ulterior motives such as control, financial gain, or personal advancement. We are not trying to manipulate or trick anyone into believing the truth. What we have must be legitimate, sincere and rightly represent Him. As you represent today, remember what we are not doing and make sure you don't do that. Also, know what and why you do represent and be sure to always point to Jesus. Keep it real, keep it true and keep it simple. Be sincere, be earnest and share the Good News as if it has changed your life. If it hasn't, don't represent until it does.

In His Service,
Pastor Fred

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