Thursday, January 30, 2014

Church People

"For what is our hope, our joy, or the crown in which we will glory in the presence of our Lord Jesus when He comes? Is it not you? Indeed you are our glory and joy." 1Thessalonians 2:19-20

I had to read these words several times in order to more deeply appreciate Paul's personal and extremely touching encouragement to the Thessalonians. Honestly, I struggled with some of the sweetness of this because in ministry too often people can be such a pain. Yet, I know and am convicted by Paul's total dedication to the centrality of human beings being the church.

Like the old ditty goes "This is His church, this is His steeple, open the doors and see all His people." (you know the one where you interlock your knuckles, touch your pinkies together and then turn your hands over and wiggle your fingers?) The church or His kingdom work is all about the people.

The word glory is used twice in this passage and for me that word is always used exclusively as a reference to the character of God Himself. So I have to think deeper that His saving grace illustrated in human beings is what glorifies Him. The word crown is used once. Don't we just throw down our crowns at His feet in heaven because He deserves the glory. Evidently those crowns come from work with His people. The word joy is also used to describe how Paul feels about the people. Wow, Joy? Maybe a little bit, but again, too often the joy of His kingdom work can be overshadowed by the misery of the trouble we cause with each other. But, His people bring Him and each other joy. The word hope is also used. Sometimes it seems almost hopeless that people will ever grow up in the Lord. Obviously, Paul makes it clear that there is not only hope, but joy, a crown and glory for God that comes from the kingdom work with His people.

Paul speaks some very encouraging words to both the people and those who work with them (last I heard they are people too). He says that our joy, hope, crown and glory is actually from working for Him with His people. Church could not be without people. We know that it is more than a building. It is a living organism. His people deserve to be a source of joy, hope, success and Glory to God. I get it better as a person than I do as a Pastor. I am sure that Paul would understand. This touches my heart today. Glory to God for His people that bring Him glory, joy, hope and a crown. "This is the church, this is the steeple, open the doors and see all His people."

In His service for His people,
Pastor Fred

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