Tuesday, January 31, 2012


"To answer before listening is folly and shame." Proverbs 18:13

I will admit it. I do this. Sometimes out of impatience, sometimes unwittingly, sometimes lately, because of my decreasing capacity to hear accurately. Whatever my reason or explanation, I would do well to listen more and better.

I am doing more and more compensating for my sight and hearing lately, and am freshly committed to taking steps to get the appointments and tools to improve both. Yesterday my new blended trifocal glasses were ordered immediately following testing at the optometrist, and when I pick them up I will make my appointment with the audiologist. So once I remove my physical obstacles to seeing and listening well, then I can figure out exactly how big my impatience and insensitivity problems are. See, I don't excuse all my listening issues with my hearing problem. We are all guilty of 'selective hearing' right? I said "SELECTIVE HEARING"!!! In case you are having a hard time understanding or admitting you are human. This proverb could remind us of other sayings such as... 'Get the facts straight first' or 'Think before you speak'. Sometimes the word folly sounds so less convicting than the word foolishness. The word shame sounds so indicting. Maybe listening without speaking is really, really serious and important stuff, huh?

I think once I see and hear better physically, I could still have some issues with my attitude. Without my excuses I may have to face my real issues. Let me share. I can tend to jump to conclusions some or second guess a bit, and even put words in somebody's mouth if it serves my purpose, a little. Most often I try to appear very intelligent without fully knowing what is being said, long before I have listened very long or attentively. Now that my hearing is compromised I am not as good at that as when I heard more clearly. Hence, why I’m looking into improving my senses so I can be a better listener. Enough about me. What is your problem? Do you have or make excuses for your impatience; do you speak before you listen, or are you just a tad insensitive, or do you need to appear to know everything? Not easy questions. But to not answer them is folly and even a shame. I am just trying to help us all to be better listeners. So make sure I hear you before you jump to conclusions about what my other issues could be. Thanks for hearing me out.

As attentive as I can be for now,
Pastor Fred

1 comment:

  1. I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, I just heard my own inner voice tell me that I'm perfect, and I have to say - I both heard and listened to it. So, really, I'm completely joking. I heard no such voice. (Maybe I wasn't listening? Haha)

    On a more reflective note, God has recently been pouring into my days, scripture and external sources that reference listening and hearing. I come across them so frequently that I know He's trying to make sure my ears are attuned to His voice. Despite my many whispers of "what God, what do You want me not to miss?" I remember a situation yesterday in which I completely missed what He wanted me to do in a situation - because I wasn't listening. Almost immediately He showed me my err and I repented, but how awesome of a blessing this other person would have received if I had been paying better attention to my Father's instruction. Fortunately for us, He's GOD and can turn our even our biggest missteps into blessing, but I do know that the other person's blessing would have been greater and more precious had I been listening just a little better. What a great lesson in not only hearing and listening, but also humility. Seems I wasn't as tuned in as I gave myself credit for being.

    Unlike you, awesome pastor, I have no excuses because the last time I checked, my hearing was in excellent condition, so I pray that He lead me, lead us all, out of the sometimes unintentional (also sometimes INtentional huh?) process of self ear clogging and turn our ears towards Him. Thank You, sweet Jesus for your unwavering patience.

    Thank YOU, Pastor Fred, for being His messenger so directly into my life and spiritual needs.
