Wednesday, September 11, 2013

About Praying and Singing

"About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them." Acts 16:25

Just so you know, Paul got arrested a lot. He seemed to be in the unenviable position of being disliked by both the Jews and the local officials. So therefore, between the two of those groups being frustrated with his incessant witnessing, they locked him up to try to shut him up. I don’t know how much you know about jail (probably more than you often admit) but, in jail, there is a lot of witnessing and praying and bible study and singing going on.

You may be surprised, but when folks get locked up they tend to get kinda reflective and spiritual. Not a bad thing you know. Well, Paul and Silas were rather wired that way anyway, so when they get locked up you can bet there was some singing and praying going on. As Christians these are two things that are particularly special to us. Singing and praying. That is why we should do them often. Also because that is part of growing as Christians. We should pray and sing when we get any opportunity to do so.

You don’t have to go to jail to pray for your food at the restaurant. You don’t have to be locked up to start remembering that there is a song in our heart. Of course under duress, we do tend to become more religious. But, at all times we should be ready to pray and ready to sing. It doesn’t have to be a magnificent prayer or a chart topping song either. Simple prayers and sweet songs are most effective. When we pray and sing, people listen. Even when they are not locked up. I always notice when someone is singing or whistling or humming a song. I also notice when someone is praying. Even silently.

There is something about Christians that is very compelling when they sing and pray. In this passage of Scripture the verse that follows says that there is an earthquake that followed that set them free. Great story of how they don’t leave until they assure the jailer that everything is OK. They lead him and his household to faith too. The Book of Acts is full of examples of Christians livng out their faith in the real context of their lives. We should take note. Whevever we are.... even in jail, it is always a good time to sing and pray. Or, turn up your christian radio station. Or, read your Bible in public. Not even out loud. Just have it open. If you do, you will be surprised what may happen. Not an earthquake probably, but maybe something life changing.

Try it with me,
Pastor Fred

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