Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Full of Idols

"While Paul was waiting for them in Athens, he was greatly distressed to see that the city was full of idols." Acts 17:16

Athens, Greece. Greek Gods, the Parthenon... etc. It’s not surprising that the city of Athens would be full of idols. It’s also not surprising that Paul would be distressed by that fact. He is caught in a precarious position. He is a Jew, a Pharisee even and a well-studied and intellectual type, able to discuss all matters of philosophy and discussion. Note that he now is a follower of the Christ, the Messiah. He is building trust among believers and is distrusted by the Jews. He comes to Athens ahead of his new Christian friends and waits for them.

As he waits he can't help but note just how many idols there are. Mind you, we would call them idols, but those who believed in them, worshiped them and sacrificed to them called them 'gods'. They were interesting times. I cannot imagine people being so intellectual and philosophical and prone to polytheism. It seems incongruous, to Paul too. What has become so obvious to him as a Jew he now wonders why everyone does not believe. I can feel this was too.

Sure, we don't have rampant polytheism in Tustin, California. But, we do have idols. As a matter of fact our city is full of idols, not giant Tiki gods like the ones on Easter Island, and not little temples with incense burning either, but we have idols, and lots of them. We have the idols of fame and fortune, work and materialism. We have the idols of success and hyper-achievement, the gods of appearance and ego. We do have our city full of gods. It is distressing too. Just like Paul we should wonder why doesn't everyone believe in the one true God. We see the effects of this kind of idol worship too. The effects of phoniness and self consumption. The effects of wantonness and rebellion. The effects of selfishness and self-aggrandizement.

The Greeks were so into their many gods they even erected a temple to the 'unknown god'. Paul used that as an opportunity to explain who that unknown God was. Quite a few believed. But he had to be distressed enough to do something about it. Sometimes I think that as long as somebody isn't worshiping the devil that we aren't very distressed by the polytheism around us. We are so concerned about appearing judgmental or arrogant that we don't dare question or even address disbelief in the one true God. The very term 'one true God' is troublesome for us as it seems to say that we are the only ones who know the truth. Folks, the ones who worship the one true God are the only ones who know the truth.

No wonder we aren't distressed. We don't see the problem, so it doesn't really bother us. Let me put it more clearly. Every day people are dying and choosing to go to hell and we tend to stand around with our hands in our pockets without directly offering the truth. I hope we will all be a little more distressed and care a little more today. Our city is full of idols. We may have idols in our house, or flirt with them in our heads. Paul found a way to address the need for understanding who the 'unknown god' is. We should try to find a way to communicate our faith too. After all, it is the truth.

In His Service,
Pastor Fred

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