Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Word of God

"But the Word of God continued to increase and spread." Acts 12:24"

In the same way I always am compelled to ask, “What is the therefore there for?”, I also ask, “But what about the but?” What precedes this comment about the Word of God is the nasty death of Herod. I say nasty because Herod was struck down by an angel with worms for allowing people to call him God. Shocking, but true. On the other hand, God's Word increases and spreads. Still true today. Over the centuries, the powers, individuals, and other religions that would destroy the Word of God have come and gone, but his truth endures. That will always be true. Nothing can stop it. The more it increases the more it spreads. The more it spreads, the more it increases. It is the very nature of truth and the light to do that. He is the truth, He is the light. He is the Word that was made flesh. Until the end, His Word will increase and spread. Eventually every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is God. So, we work and wait. Is His Word increasing in you? If it does it will spread through you. The very purpose of God's Word increasing is so that it will spread. This is why we spread the Good News, that Jesus Christ is Lord!!! Everything else passes away, only He and His Truth remains. Herod thought he could shut down or slow down the Word of God and it cost him his life. Whatever happens in your life, even if you die, God's Word will increase and spread. So, try to do your part and I will try to do mine.

By His Grace,
Pastor Fred

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