Thursday, September 12, 2013

Paul’s Custom

"As his custom was, Paul went into the Synagogue and on three Sabbath days he reasoned with them from the Scriptures, explaining and proving that the Christ had to suffer and rise from the dead." Acts 17:2-3

Paul was always ready to teach. He was always ready to share from his experience and especially from the Word of God. He used the Scriptures effectively from the Old Testament to show the Jews that Jesus was the Messiah. He focused on two fundamental truths that are pivotal to our faith. One, the necessity of the Cross and the other the necessity of the Resurrection.

You really can’t be a Christian without the cross or the resurrection. They are the two most powerful truths of the Bible. Jesus had to suffer. Why? Because of our sin. A price had to be paid. A perfect and final price. A price that would fulfill the perpetual need for sacrifice. This truth is central to our faith. We must have an atonement. God provided one in Jesus. He went to the cross and bled and died, suffered and paid the price for our sin. He died in our place. We can’t pay for our own sins. We aren’t worthy to do it. But, Jesus is. So He did.

Not only did He become the propitiation for our transgressions, He also conquered death by rising from the dead. After He was dead and buried in a tomb, He arose, thereby overcoming the grave. You see the devil will always try to scare us with our un forgiveness and with death. What Jesus accomplished on the cross and by resurrecting dis-empowers the enemy from dissuading us from God’s love and plan.

This was Paul’s custom. To tell this truth over and over and over again. Simple and profound. It changes everything. God sent His own Son to die for our sins and to conquer death. So what is to fear? We can be forgiven. When we are, we too conquer death and begin to live forever. Wow, what a concept! I hope you are assured today of what Paul knew and shared so well and so often. Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world. His death for sin and resurrection from the dead are the proof of God’s love for mankind. For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son , that whoever would believe in Him would not perish but receive eternal life. John 3:16. Paul understood it. He believed it. He taught it every chance he got. I share it again today. The Good News.

Praise God!
Pastor Fred

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