Friday, September 13, 2013

Better Christians

""Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true." Acts 17:11

Not all Christians are the same. There are more noble ones and less noble ones. This has always been a weakness and a strength for the kingdom work--a weakness, because it is confusing to unbelievers when believers don't act like believers should, and a strength, in that believers are just humans and their weaknesses can be a witness as they are transformed. The problem is that too many weak Christians don't become very transformed and they can give us all a bad name. Our response to this reality should not be to be defensive of the weakness of Christians, but rather to be honest about our shortcomings. We should neither try to explain away or defend bad Christian behavior.

I don't know specifically what the Thessalonians did or did not do that gave them the reputation of being less noble than the Bereans. I actually wrote a devotional some time ago on this same passage because it is such a great illustration of how our faith is made up of all kinds of people. Evidently, according to this passage the Bereans were hungrier and more dedicated to the study and passion for God's Word. They were eager and excited and devoted and committed to searching out Paul's teaching for truth.

The takeaway lesson for me from this verse today is that the study of God's Word and the desire to understand it will make you a more noble Christian. This is just the flat out true. The times in my life when I have been consistently in His Word have always been the seasons that I was a better witness and example. When I drift off of the regular study of the Bible I tend to let the thinking of this world influence me more.

One of the reasons I keep cranking out these devotionals is to discipline myself in the daily reading and study of His Word. Even for pastors it can become a chore to be in the Word. The enemy would love to draw me away from regular study. The Word influences our character. When we read it, it affects our thinking and subsequently our behavior. I am a nicer, more thoughtful, more helpful, more caring and loving person when I am in His Word more often, plain and simple. So, I encourage you today to be a Berean and not a Thessalonian.

In His Word with you,
Pastor Fred

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