Wednesday, November 27, 2013

It Is Just Cargo!

"We took such a violent battering from the storm that the next day they began to throw the cargo overboard." Acts 27:18

The storms of life are real and exhausting. The storms of life never end in this life. The storms of life come just because we live in a broken, fallen world. Sometimes we get beat up by life and its storms. Other people around us get beat up too. Very seldom are we the only victims of our storms, whether they are of our own doing or not. When such times come, it is important that we realize that the most important cargo is anything that is eternal. Such as people, values and principles. The rest of our stuff is not eternal nor is it irreplaceable. When in the midst of a beating we can be tempted to turn on others to share the pain or defer the agony.

We should always make people more important than things. I know there are manipulators in our lives. I understand that some folks never seem to learn. I get it that people are disrespectful of our stuff, our money and our time. But, remember that Jesus did not die for your car or your bank account. He died for humans. So when the ship is wrecking or taking on water, as tempting as it could be to throw people overboard, let go of the stuff first. Forgive the debt first. Surrender all of your hurt feelings to the Lord and let Him sort out the people. He won't throw anyone overboard.

I am sure that many of you have taken a beating personally, financially and in your relationships. But if it comes to choices between people, money, stuff and time.... choose the people. You may need firmer boundaries next time but do not sacrifice people or your relationships to them for the sake of control, anger or pride. This is a hard lesson in the storms of life. I have struggled with this myself and have to forgive over and over again. I must extend mercy and grace, it is all I can do if I want to do it God's way. I have to let go of the stuff of the relationship so I don't sink the person of the relationship, and myself too.

Next time you get blindsided, betrayed, avoided or disrespected, give that to the Lord. Put that stuff that comes with it at the foot of the cross. Jesus not only died for your sins but all the sins that were sinned against you. If His grace is sufficient for me then it is sufficient for the person I am having the hardest time with right now. Easier to let Jesus be the Savior and Forgiver than for me to be the judge or prosecutor, or persecutor if I am in a bad mood. Hope this has helped you because I feel better for writing it.

In His Service,
Pastor Fred

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