Thursday, November 4, 2010

His Poem

Ephesians 2:10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.

Our Thursday Devotion comes to us from Council Member, Hank:

The men of Grace Harbor were recently blessed to be able to participate in a men's retreat. On the first night, we had a wonderful guest speaker, a friend of Pastor Fred's named Pastor Jim. He shared with us from this verse and from his own personal experiences, and it made an impression on me. So much so that I wanted to share a little of it with you.

Pastor Jim related to us that the original word used in this verse and translated as workmanship is "poema", the same word from which we get our English word, poem. We are God's poem, or His work of literature, like a play or something. Isn't that a wonderful thought?

And as such, our lives are roles in the grand play. God has a part for us all to play. In other words, we have lines in the play, and as the verse describes, we are to walk in them. Of course, we don't always walk in them.

Pastor Jim spoke about a time that he knew God was directing him to speak to a friend of his, but he passed up the opportunity, and before he had another chance, that friend had died in a car wreck. He did, however, go on to share with us several times that he had followed God's directing, delivered his lines, and the blessing of changed lives that had resulted from those experiences.

When it comes to our own roles in the play, sometimes we ad lib and come up with our own lines; sometimes we don't study enough so we don't know our lines very well; sometimes we might get stage fright and forget our lines; and sometimes we might even step on someone else's lines. We have to make the effort to draw closer to God, the Director, the One who had us in mind for the part before we were even created. In fact, He perfectly designed us to fulfill the role. And as we draw closer to the Director, we can allow Him to show us how our lines are meant to be delivered. That way, our lives can become Oscar worthy performances, touching the lives of those God calls us to impact. So my challenge to you today is to remember that you are His poem, so "Don't miss your lines!"

Love in Jesus, Hank

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