Wednesday, November 24, 2010

We All Get Depressed

Psalm 143:1 "O Lord, hear my prayer, listen to my cry for mercy; in your faithfulness and righteousness come to my relief."

David is in the pits here. Really down. He goes through some pretty desperate steps trying to unload his fears and stresses on the Lord. I am sure we all understand. You have been there and so have I. When you thought it was the end, when the enemies were surrounding you and you felt faint and your heart is dismayed. You think about better days but quickly turn to words of desperation, crying out to God, but your spirit is failing and you are losing your grip. You feel like God doesn't hear you, that there is no hope and that the coming disaster cannot be averted. Read this Psalm and hear David's deep depression.

Depression is a real problem and many face it every day. Regardless of all the effort to cheer up or put on a happy face, we feel relegated to waiting for the other foot to fall and for the worst possible scenario. The tendency to pile on to our own misery is so tempting that most of us don't even resist and fall victim to spiraling negativity and hopelessness. Somehow we have lost sight of what joy is and where true happiness comes from and start actually thinking as if there were no God. David does start to get it turned around so let's look at what he does to get himself out of the doldrums and the hole he is in.

#1 He thinks of the better days. Even though it doesn't help much he does give it a try.

#2 He lifts up his hands to God and admits that his soul is thirsty.

#3 He seeks the Lord and calls out His Name and is honest about his plight.

#4 He exercises his faith that new things will come in the morning.

#5 He asks for help and surrenders to the Lord's teaching and counsel.

#6 He invokes the Lord's Name and asks for deliverance.

#7 He restates that he is a servant of the Lord.

Interesting points or steps, if you decide to use them. Most importantly, don't allow yourself to isolate, shut down and stop trying. David goes through several of these episodes in his life and each time he manages to work his way out. But, not without honesty, surrender, confession, tears, effort, a good fight and some humility. If you are blue, stuck or down, you don't have to stay there, certainly not any longer. Let go and let God. Give your trouble to the Lord. He is there, He cares and can help you. Cry for mercy and claim God's faithfulness and righteousness, He will hear you and will come to your relief. If you struggle, use some of David's steps, after all, he is a man after God's own heart. Seek the Lord, He is waiting to hear from you.

So In Him, Pastor Fred

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