Thursday, December 15, 2011

Heeding Biblical Counsel

"He who heeds discipline shows the way to life, but whoever ignores correction leads others astray." Proverbs 10:17

Whenever I am finding it hard to write, it is always good for me to get into Proverbs again. Bite-sized tasty morsels of wisdom are good to chew on and allow me to ruminate effectively on the truth.

Additionally, they give me nourishment and can sustain me in a time when my appetite may not be what it should be. This particular tidbit from Solomon is downright delectable. Rich and fulfilling in its content and so satisfying.

After considering this truth for awhile, I feel better. Take the word heed, for example; heed doesn't just infer listening, it also means doing something about it. There is a difference between hearing a train whistle and staying off the tracks. Discipline is not always fun, or should I say, seldom fun? But vitally necessary an nonetheless. We must both hear it and respond to it, changing if needed. Often the lesson learned is illustrated by the behavior changed. Heeding is a good witness. As the verse says, it shows the way to life. When we heed, we have something to share that can show others the right way to go.

Now, notice the other end of the spectrum in part B of verse 10. If we ignore correction we get a totally different result. Ignoring is different than just not listening. Ignoring is hearing, and pretending like we don't. That could be stubbornness or rebellion. Note that the heeding is for discipline. Discipline is a good thing and we should receive it willingly. On the other hand, note that the ignoring is totally about correction. I would rather be disciplined and learn than corrected and embarrassed. Not heeding will lead to ignoring and not accepting discipline will lead to correction. The sooner we learn, the easier and better it goes, always.

Now for the hardest part of this proverbial lesson. If you do heed discipline you can be a witness. But if you ignore correction, you will not only be a poor witness you will lead others astray. Wouldn't it be heartbreaking to learn of all the times we've lead others astray? Wow, don't want to focus on that too much because of how convicting it is. I think it wise to heed instead of ignore, and to be disciplined before we get corrected. It follows that we should desire to show the way by good example before we lead others astray by poor example. There is a point we come to where we choose to either learn the easy way and still show others how to do that, or, to learn the hard way and lead others astray because we won't do it the right way.

Ask yourself if you are helping or not helping others with your example. Can't be perfect I know, but does there have to be so much room for improvement? Good question huh?

Answer in Him,
Pastor Fred

1 comment:

  1. Wow, well although you may have been finding it hard to write, you certainly wrote beautifully! I loved this devotional times ten! Thank you for sharing. I pray that I lead others TO Him by my example and not away from Him. Grateful for all of my amazing role models in Grace Harbor :)
