Monday, December 5, 2011

Three Interrelated Curses

"To Adam he said, Because you listened to your wife about which I commanded you, 'You must not eat of it', "Cursed is the ground because of you, through painful toil you will eat of it all the days of your life." Genesis 3:17a

I so totally love the account of Adam and Eve in Genesis. How revealing about human character is The Fall of Man. In this verse, God curses Adam. He deserved it, so did Eve, so did the serpent (satan). God pronounces his curse on Adam last.

When God calls everybody on the carpet earlier in this chapter, the finger pointing is amazing. Adam blames Eve and God for giving her to him. Then Eve blames the serpent. God doesn't even give satan a chance to say anything, He just starts laying the curse on Him. Gotta love it! Nobody should ever listen to lucifer or his whispering minions either.

I seriously just had a fleeting thought as I wrote that sentence that said in my head when I recommended we shouldn't listen to the devil. The thought went something like this... "Oh yes you will because you are weak" I kid you not. My literal response was, 'Go to hell and leave me alone in the name of Jesus' and I had to think hard to even remember that conversation in my head as God was releasing me from it so fast. Two things. 1) The enemy is relentless. 2) God is much more powerful.

Back to Adam. God says he shouldn't have listened to his wife because she was deceived AND besides, God commanded Adam himself not to eat it, so don't pass the buck. Therefore, man has to work hard and eat dirt. Weeds start up and no matter how hard man works, it is never enough. Man dies and returns to the dust from whence he came. No wonder we say we feel like dirt sometimes.

As for Woman, she gets terrible pain in childbirth, with a nasty monthly reminder for most of her life. (This is also part of Adam's curse don't ya think?) She hates snakes. She wants to be with her husband but doesn't like him ruling over her.

The serpent eats dirt too and is the lowest of lows. Women hate him and the Son of the woman, Mary (Jesus) crushes his head as he bruises his heel. Read the Curses, they are fascinating. Therefore, the enmities and conflicts go between men and women and satan and God.

Jesus is the solution for all enmity. He makes peace is marriage. He destroys the devil and He saves the world. All we have to do is stop blaming everybody else for our own sin. Not easy. It is in our nature. Our fallen nature. No wonder we need a Savior. No wonder the devil is such a liar. No wonder God is so wonderful. No wonder men and women find relationships so difficult. How wonderful is God to provide such a wonderful solution But He loves us, so no wonder huh?

Wonderfully His,
Pastor Fred

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