Wednesday, December 21, 2011

How to Treat People

"Do not rebuke an older man harshly, but exhort him as if he were your father. Treat younger men as brothers, older women as mothers, and younger women as sisters, with absolute purity." I Timothy 5:1-2

These words are specifically written to Timothy, but apply in general. I had a two-fold experience at a restaurant recently that illustrates almost the entire verse.

As I got out of my car in a very crowded parking lot, a man older than I was frustrated to the point of honking at how long it was taking a woman to load up her children, strollers, diaper bags, toys, toddlers and babies. It really annoyed me that he resorted to honking loud and long which didn't help the harried mom hurry for sure. Instead of barking at him, which I so wanted to do, I motioned him to be patient and I helped the woman with her double-wide stroller into the back of her little SUV. I then directed traffic a little and motioned the man into his parking space, even tipping my hat to him. The woman thanked me profusely and the older gent, genuinely smiled at me. As the older gent approached the restaurant, he got the door on the way in for another young woman with a baby in arms.

You know how the 'pay it forward' thing can get started really fast on a smaller scale. IF... somebody gets the ball rolling. The other part of my story happened when I ordered my food at the counter. The very cordial young man who waited on me was noticeably surprised when I referred to him as 'sir' when he asked for some clarification about a detail in my order. I mentioned that I had been calling people M'am and Sir since I was a little boy and he said his grandpa does that and he thinks it is cool because it makes you feel respected and honored. I told him it was really cool he noticed that and I appreciated his service and kindness. He grinned ear to ear, his manager put her hand on his shoulder and complimented his good work, the elderly woman behind me beamed with satisfaction and the world was good. When we follow the principles of Scripture everything goes better and the world is a better place. We as Christians should set the example of how to treat people and the good it can do. The passage today encourages us to treat one another as mothers and fathers. The Ten Commandments command us to 'honor' our mothers and fathers. Respect shown is respect earned. I hope this holiday season you slow down enough to be a Christian. If every Christian treated others more honorably, what a better world this would be.

In His Service!!!
Pastor Fred

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