Tuesday, July 9, 2013

A Whole Year

"So for a whole year Barnabas and Saul (Paul) met with the church and taught great numbers of people. The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch." Acts: 11:26

Barnabas brought Saul (Paul) to Antioch. Don't take my word for it, read the previous piece of the verse. Who knows exactly why, but we could speculate that they needed teaching. I am thinking that Paul and Barnabas were quite a team. Think about it, possibly the best encourager ever and possibly the best teacher ever. Wow, what a combination. You know they eventually come to a parting of the ways, but that is material for another devotional. Right here, right now, let's talk about how they taught great numbers of people for a whole year.

It is interesting to me that they taught great numbers of people for a whole year. A whole year. Our commitments to anything having to do with discipleship or spiritual maturation rarely are committed to for a year. That is a long commitment. These days if people commit to six or eight weeks it is quite an accomplishment. Imagine, longer than a semester or school year. Longer than the overwhelming majority of us are able to commit. Especially to something like listening to teaching. Maybe Barnabas having that unique capability of encouraging helped matters. We definitely need to be encouraged to be in the Word.

This group at Antioch has the distinction of being referred to as "Christians" for the first time. Here is what I am thinking. What about the notion that the reason they were called "Christians" for the first time was because they actually took a year of there lives and figured out what they believed and why. It does take a combination of His Word and a big dose of encouragement to be able to move forward with a faith commitment. What if we were to give more time to encouragement and learning His Word? Do you think people would be more likely to call us "Christian"? I think so.

As a matter of fact I think that encouragement and understanding of His Word are two of the most important identifiers of true believers. We should spend more time seriously listening to teaching and to study of the Bible. If we can add that to lots of encouragement in our lives I know we would mature in Christ deeper and faster. Hope somebody calls you "Christian" real soon, and that when they do you will be encouraged.

Your brother in Christ Jesus,
Pastor Fred

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