Thursday, July 11, 2013

Some Are Persecuted​

"It was about this time that King Herod arrested some who belonged to the church, intending to persecute them." Acts 12:1"

What time was that Pastor, you may ask? That time was right after the generosity, compassion and decisiveness of the early disciples was so prominent. News of the success of the believers was spreading fast. The early church was on fire for Him and when we are in the center of His will, that is when persecution often comes. Of course King Herod had it in for the Christians, because he couldn't get rid of Jesus before He grew up and fulfilled His mission. The believers in the early church were profoundly committed to Christ and would very willingly give their lives for the Truth. At least some were. It does say that "some" were persecuted, doesn't it? I am sure Herod wanted to make an example of some or someone.

Today some are persecuted too. No comparison to the persecution of the early church, but persecution still happens. Especially in predominately Muslim areas of the world. Christians are held in particular disdain and are put to death daily, just for believing. We tend to isolate ourselves and insulate ourselves from the reality of Christian persecution. Here is the U.S. that kind of persecution is nominal. Oh, from time to time we believers are given a hard time about sharing our faith. But, it is not like that many of us are out there making that big of a deal about it anyway.

Some of the persecution of believers today is done by other believers. We don't need someone to persecute us if we are persecuting ourselves. Believers are seemingly constantly calling each other out and arguing incessantly about our little differences rather than rallying behind our common core beliefs. The devil must enjoy the Christian on Christian character assassination that is so easy for us to slip into. We lose sight of who we are collectively. As the old saying goes based on a Biblical truth, "A house divided against itself cannot stand."

Some day we may be persecuted more. Some day we may care more about other believers being persecuted. But, the devil is busy every day, dividing us and attacking us. He especially attacks church leaders and pastors and their families. The devil just loves petty church drama. We must unite the troops. We are fighting the same battle. We have the same enemy, and we have the same Savior. When good stuff happens, don't be surprised if the attack of the enemy is soon to follow. Today, I hope you will reflect on those who are truly persecuted for Christ and pray for them. I also pray that we can "call off the dogs" on each other, and rally around who we are in Him. My heart is convicted just now for the believers who will die today, just because they believe.

In His Service with them,
Pastor Fred

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