Monday, June 1, 2015

"Everyone is Welcome"

"My brothers, as believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ, don't show favoritism." James 2:1

Pretty clear, huh? If you really believe in Him and that only He deserves glory; don’t glorify anyone by putting them above, ahead, over, or more important than anyone else. This is called favoritism. If everyone is welcome then one of the ways we prove that we really care is by not putting anyone on a pedestal of any kind. Here is a short list of those who we’re tempted to favor. Let’s be honest.

1. Rich people
2. Talented people
3. Attractive people
4. Famous people
5. Popular people
6. Connected people
7. Intellectual people
8. Healthy people
9. Good people
10. Powerful people

I know, I know many of you fit in many, if not all of these categories. You are still welcome; just don’t expect to be favored.

With His love,
Pastor Fred

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