Thursday, November 12, 2015

"Drunk Jokes"

"These men are not drunk, as you suppose. It's only 9 in the morning!" Acts 2:15

When you are going to preach a lengthy sermon it is not bad form to open with a little bit of humor. Drunk jokes work as a common ground opener. Everybody is familiar with how ridiculous and embarrassing drunk people are.

Since the rumor of their babbling in foreign tongues was being attributed to them being under the influence, why not set the record straight and make light of it. Frankly, I find this effort by Peter to be funny. Think about it. He is about to address thousands of people and to connect with them, or win them over a little, or just to put this miracle into perspective. He has the Eleven stand with him and points out that the reason they are not drunk is that it is too early to be drunk.

That is hilarious. He could have said something self-righteous like taking offense at the accusation and claim that they were too good and holy to ever be drunk. Instead, Peter says something clever in a joking manner to be real with his listeners.

We preachers have been doing it ever since. A little humor helps in preaching, witnessing and life in general. I so appreciate how real to life the Word of God is. I am sure the Eleven must have laughed at the association, especially the ones who had some experience with drunkenness. Without getting caught up in making a joke out of everything, this tact is effective. Peter is going to get very serious with them and I think how he got their ears was pretty effective.]

Now if it were 6:30 pm and not 9:00 am maybe it wouldn't be so funny, or would it? Lol! I guess it depends on who is reading this right?

Pastor Fred

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