Thursday, November 19, 2015


"And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." s 2:21

Love this verse. Love that it is an Old Testament verse. Love that Luke quotes it here in Acts.

God has a plan. That plan includes our salvation. As a matter of fact that plan is all about our salvation. God promises here that everyone, (without exception), who calls, (whispers, thinks or screams), on the Name of the Lord, (His Name is Jesus). Will, (by the promise of God), be saved (from anything that ever did, is now or will ever condemn you).

Wow! What a statement. No church, nothing we have accomplished, no special words or select group. Everyone, who calls on the Name of the Lord, will be saved. That should answer questions not beg them. No its ands or buts, just the simple gospel truth. If you have called, He has answered. If you are unsure, make sure. If you don't get it, please talk to me or add someone who does. So thankful for my salvation.

Are You?
Pastor Fred

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