Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Take the Pill

Psalm 119:28 "My soul is weary with sorrow; strengthen me according to your Word."

The Psalmist continues in this next section with more encouragement to seek the truth, be in the Word and to utilize the Bible as the source of understanding about all things. We seemingly have gone so far away from one of the foundational premises of our faith.... to be a People of the Book. Maybe part of that is that we have become so dependent on technology to deliver information to us by other means, like cellphones, television, internet and audio-visual presentations in many formats. We don't read much anymore, so the chances of reading the Word are even slimmer. Of course the Word is available in higher tech ways, but alas, the personal discipline of making that happen on top of receiving the Word and meditating on it almost seems unattainable.

Yet, we would all admit that our souls are indeed weary with sorrow, that we need strength, and we know that the Word is the source of that strength. No wonder we don't get what we need from God when we don't pursue it purposefully. The reading, studying and meditating on the Word always does me good. I am never disappointed when I go to the Truth and get strength from it. We should not complain about our weariness or our sorrow when all it would take is for us to turn to His Word and receive what He would give us according to our need. I think we are in need of a heavy, relentless dose of reminder that we must be hungry for the Truth.

In my late teens I went to a Youth Evangelism Conference where Rev. E.V. Hill spoke to us at the closing program. The basic message he was trying to give to several hundred youth was that the Word of God, The Bible, was the medicine that we needed. He suggested that when we complain about our issues, addictions, loneliness, conflicts, sickness, hurts, disappointments, disillusions and afflictions, that it reminded him of the man who went to the doctor with a litany of symptoms and conditions and the doctor gave him a pill that would take care of it all. The man came back a month later, sicker than a dog, about to die and give up and the doctor asked him," Have you been taking the pill I gave you?" "Well....." the man said, "I've been busy and distracted and tired and overwhelmed and I was feeling a little better after a couple of days taking it, but then, for some unknown reason, I just stopped." Rev. Hill then raised his voice in persuasive preaching style and yelled, "Don't complain to me...."TAKE THE PILL!!!!" Then, a series of excuses from the man were all answered with Rev. Hill screaming... "TAKE THE PILL!!!!" For each complaint or excuse he would hold up the Bible and shake it at us. I got the message.

Whenever anything about the Word is mentioned, I perk up. Whenever anything relates to the truth, I pay attention. I get my medicine from the Great Physician and He knows exactly what I need. Some time ago I told the story in a sermon about the man in Pershing Square who just went around with his Bible yelling, "READ YOUR BIBLE!!!!" Same message. Do you get it? We sure complain about how we don't know what to do, or why we feel the way we do or why things happen the way they do, or why people are the way they are. The Word of God addresses every one of our questions and pleas, but we must read it to get the answers. Medicine doesn't work unless you ingest it.

On the way back from Arizona after my car had already been repaired to the tune of several hundred dollars, on the way to Arizona, I broke down again at the foot of Chiriaco Summit. Blown radiator hose. I had been praying and singing my heart out when the car overheated. As I peered through the steam I saw that the hose had torn near the clamp and with a penny (I kid you not) a fishing knife and a few burnt fingers, I shortened that hose, reattached it successfully. (I was at the apex of my mechanical aptitude.) I then drove all the way home, no air conditioning, 107 degrees, weary and sorrowful, God strengthened me with His Word in a simple truth. "Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world." I started rejoicing and praising God for His provision and power, I fixed my radiator hose (MacGyver would have been impressed) and I pressed on. I drove all the way home before I had more car problems. Praise the Lord!!! You see, even when I felt sick, the medicine I had in my soul, made we well. I had been taking my pills and reading my Bible, and God used the reserve of truth in me to give me the strength to do what I had to do.

I hope you get this message today. Less complaining, more preventive medicine. Exercise your faith. Do the right thing, press on. Give God the Glory and be victorious.

I am in His Word, because I know I need it.

Pastor Fred

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