Wednesday, August 25, 2010

HIS Love Never Fails

Psalm 119:76 "May your unfailing love be my comfort, according to your promise to your servant."

In the Psalms, God's unfailing love is referred to over and over again. It is truly a comfort to know that God's love will never fail. Everything else can and will fail. People fail, stock markets fail, brakes fail, health fails, but, God's love cannot fail. Why? One, because it is unconditional. Two, because it is perfect. Three, because God says it won't and He hasn't lied to us yet. Isn't that, by itself, an interesting fact? As often as we refer to the enemy as the father of lies we should at the same time refer to God as the Father of Truth. This is what is so refreshingly comforting about His love. It is totally based in truth. He really, actually, honestly loves us... completely, perfectly, unconditionally and without conditions. THAT is comforting.

On top of that, He promises His servants, (referring to us by the way) that He will always love us, til the end (since we are going to live forever with Him, it will be an extra long time). When this promise is made to us servants, if you for some reason are concerned  by the definition of servant or you have a hard time identifying with the title, look at it this way. You are a servant of His, just by being a believer. Now, you may be a faithful servant or a lousy servant. That is between you and Him. But, we are all servants.

The promise this verse reminds me of is the one from Deuteronomy 31:6, repeated a couple more times in the Old Testament before it is quoted in Hebrews 13:5b "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." We all love that verse and quote it often. Right off hand though, we are not as familiar with the first part of that verse which says, "Keep your lives free from the love of money, be content with what you have, because God has said," (then part B of the verse that we like so much). Isn't it interesting what we memorize from the Bible? Equally interesting is what we conveniently tend to forget. We, too often try to get our comfort from money and the things it can buy. Only His unfailing love can give us real comfort. It is His love that compels Him to save us. His forgiveness and mercy come from His great love. His unfailing love will be ours throughout eternity. How comforting to know.

Contentment can be ours if we learn how to accept that the most important thing we need, is already ours. His love. Knowing God loves me and really applying His promises to my life and my choices frees me up from so much of the anxiety and worry and stress that come from my feelings. If God has promised me He will take care of me, never leave me, never forsake me and give me His unfailing love, what else do I need in order to be His servant? I am comforted just now considering His great love for us. Oh, how he wants us to accept His promises and depend on Him, instead of our own plans and schemes. We have much to learn in this area of life. Let's keep looking at His Word in the weeks ahead and see how He reveals Himself, His ways and His truth to us.

In His Word,  Pastor Fred 

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