Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Psalm 119:45

Psalm 119:45 "I will walk about in freedom, for I have sought out your precepts."

Have you ever had that exhilarating feeling of being totally free? If you haven't, I hope you do someday, because there is absolutely nothing like it. When it happens you must have the following three components:

1) Anxious for Nothing
2) The Peace that Passes Understanding
3) Unfathomable Joy

I have experienced this amazing freedom a number of times in my life, once just recently. It came as I was returning from Arizona one hot afternoon and in the face of difficult circumstances I started singing one of my favorite songs from the 60's and praying thankfulness for life in general and all of a sudden, everything was lifted off me. I was literally floating (trust me, even though I don't have air conditioning in the Volvo, it wasn't heatstroke), a wonderful peace came over me and I began praising God with untethered joy. Before I knew it my circumstance had changed and my anxieties were gone and my heart was full of love.

I know I am an unusual character, but I believe this experience is available to all of us, if we connect to the other side of the equation from Psalm 119:45. The first part of this verse is easy enough to understand..... I will walk about in freedom, we get what that means, but how do we get to do that? The second part answers the question that comes from the first part. We can have the exhilarating feeling of being totally free if we have sought out His precepts. We know we are talking about reading and studying the Word, right? The key to this verse is the word, sought. Sought is past tense. We must put the Word in our hearts now, for future use. We must store up truth in our minds, for easy reference. We must constantly be exposed to the Truth, for quick recall.

During my return trip in the desert I was dwelling on His promises, considering His majesty and meditating on His love. This thinking put me in a frame of mind to be able to begin the total freedom experience. From the deep reservoir of all the times in my life that I had sought out His precepts, there welled up to overflowing inside of my being a gusher of inexplicable freedom in the spirit. If you have had this happen, you know exactly what I am referring to, if not, my suggestion to you is that you begin filling that reservoir and using it often as the Spirit leads. The word 'sought' by the way is more than just glancing or looking. Sought means that I relentlessly searched for and singleheartedly pursued the Truth in His Word.

So there is only one question now to answer, right? What was the song? You might think it was a spiritual song, but it wasn't. The song I was singing was, "It's a Beautiful Morning" by the Rascals, here are the words.

It's a Beautiful Mornin, Ahhh
I think I'll go outside for awhile, an just smile
Just take in some clean fresh air, boy!
Ain't no sense in stayin inside
If the weathers fine and you got the time
It's your chance to wake up and plan another brand new day
Either way, It's a beautiful mornin, Ahhh
Each bird keeps singin his own song... so long!
I've got to be on my way now
Ain't no fun just hangin around
You've got to cover ground, you couldn't keep me down
It just ain't no good if the sun shines, when you're still inside,
shouldn't hide, still inside, shouldn't hide
Ah Ohhh (shouldn't hide) ah, ah, ohhhh
(Do, Do Waaaa.... Do, Do Waaaa)
There will be children with robins and flowers
Sunshine caresses each new waking hour
Seems to me that the people keep seein more and more each day
Gotta say, lead the way, It's Ok, wednesday, thursday, It's Ok
Monday, wednesday, friday, weekday... Ah, Ah, Ohhhh
(Do, Do Waaaaa) Ah, Ah, Oh,Oh Dooooo Ahhhhh
Woooooo oo oo oo Ahh Wooo Do Ahhh
Ohhhhhhhh oh, oh, oh

Thanks for reading the lyrics to one of my favorite songs, now......... after you have sought His precepts, experience freedom and don't let anything past, present or future, steal your joy. I won't either. :)

Pastor Fred

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