Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Do Not Withhold Good

"Do not withhold good from those who deserve it, when it is in your power to act." Proverbs 3:27

More than a few times in my life, I have been put in a situation where I knew what I should do, was not at all what I wanted to do. As a matter of fact, just recently, I did everything in my power to avoid acting on what was in my power to do, simply because I did not want to get involved. I lined up all my reasons and excuses. I got some support from someone who agreed that I can't get involved in every single situation that comes along. Besides, I was not in a very good compassion mode at the time. I was in management mode and really enjoying being there. I was in a creative high-functioning gear and did not want, or need to stop. I was firing on all cylinders and was totally fighting the prompting of the Holy Spirit. My life, after all, is full of this kind of rescuing stuff, and I did not need any more on my plate. No thanks God, I appreciate your consideration of me being the one to get involved, but as you well know, I don't have a moment to spare.

Now, let me describe the situation. It was raining cats and dogs. I was sitting in my car working in the church parking lot, when I spotted out of the corner of my eye a rain-soaked woman, who obviously had seen better days, looking for a way to get in the church. She read the sign on the door and started to go in the other door, but couldn't figure it out. She then took refuge in the garden area by the big front windows. I just could not get back on task. I tried to ignore her plight, and just couldn't. I kept feeling that urgency to go and check on her. So, I grabbed an extra umbrella I had, and decided at least I could give her that. I feared that even getting started was going to be the beginning of a big deal and I was fighting it. When I approached with the umbrella, she said, "you're not going to beat me are you?""No ma'am, I answered, "I am just trying to help you a little, to stay dry out of the rain." "Oh thank you", she said. I walked back to my car. I had a blanket in a plastic zip bag I hadn’t used in years. I got out a $5 bill and headed back in the rain to give it to her. She was so grateful. Told me she had just gotten out of the hospital with a head wound (I could see the stitches) and a couple of broken ribs.(I saw her wince when she put the blanket in her bag) She asked my name, I asked hers, and told her who I was. She thanked me again and explained that she accidentally left her Bible behind, and her family wasn't too keen on taking her in because of her long history of issues and unreliability. I, of course got her a Bible, prayed for her and watched as she, encouraged by the kindness, headed to Circle K for a cup of coffee and a bite, now that she had $5.

I headed home and about an hour and a half later someone called from the church to let me know that there was a woman sitting in the worship center. I said to God, "Guess I'm not done huh?" I headed back to church and listened to Wendy's longer version of her life. I loaded her up in my car and headed to put her up in a motel in Anaheim, where she had friends and stuff. Long story short, the motel manager said she could not stay there, and her friends were gone, and her stuff, too. Now What? By the way, in the slow traffic on the 5 north at 6:00 pm, in the pouring rain, I had witnessed and counseled my heart out. Even though I just wanted to drop her off somewhere, as soon as possible. Wendy broke down and confessed and shared her life of addiction, and rebellion, and abuse. She repented, recommitted and was ready for change. On the way to the Covered Wagon Motel, I passed the American Motel in Anaheim. The marquis said "Clean and Sober Motel". I casually mentioned to Wendy that it was Plan B. She agreed wholeheartedly. When Plan A blew up, we, without any words, headed back there, and checked her in just in time for her to attend the 7:00 pm Ladies Narcotics Anonymous Group Meeting. The staff assured me they would take it from here, and that she would be given every opportunity for rehab, or a fresh start. As I drove away God said in my heart, "Hey Pastor Fred, after all, don't you always say that you just want to be a servant of the Lord?" "Yes I do", I admitted again. When I saw this verse today in Proverbs, I immediately thought, “who am I to say who does and doesn't deserve the mercy of God when it is in my power to act and do good?” After all, I am just a servant of the Lord. If you think of it, pray for Wendy, and the good work they are doing at The American Motel in Anaheim would ya? I will, too.

In His Service,
Pastor Fred

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