Thursday, March 22, 2012


"Bear with each other, and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive, as the Lord forgave you." Colossians 3:13

WOW! Very clear, huh? It is on my heart today to talk about a tender subject. Tender because it affects and hurts all of us to one degree or another, and as easy as it could be to take care of, we are so reticent to do what is right about it. Are you ready? The subject is forgiveness and it’s prideful, selfish alter-ego, unforgiveness.

So just how does the Lord forgive? He forgives unconditionally, just like He loves. We should, too. Perhaps if we would “bear with each other” more and forgive “whatever grievances”, as they happen, we wouldn’t be so bitter and trapped in our resentment and vengefulness. We should be there for each other and not against each other.

As you read this, I know someone came to mind, maybe more than one that you need to forgive. You may need to ask forgiveness of someone. Don’t let it get to bitterness and resentment. Fight your selfishness and pride and do what God requires. FORGIVE. When we don’t, it just gives the enemy access to cause division and trouble.

As I began to write this, I had to forgive people in my heart who were unforgiving. I then forgave myself for not doing it sooner, and also asked God to forgive me. I have to tell you, it feels really good. I hope you take this to heart and do the right thing, today. Whether it is yourself, or family, a staff member, a co-worker, a parent, a child or God, forgive. I love this saying and it bears repeating. "Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violets sheds on the foot that crushed it." Please forgive me if I have been anything other than a blessing to anyone who reads this.

Tenderly His,
Pastor Fred

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