Friday, March 9, 2012

Source of Strength

"He gives power to the weak, And to those who have no might He increases strength"
Isaiah 40:29
"Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ’s sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong." 2 Corinthians 12:10
"Likewise the Spirit also helps us in our weaknesses." Romans 8:26
… Gideon and Barak and Samson and Jephthah, also of David and Samuel and the prophets”
(He is simply naming men He called weak – all heroes)"
Hebrews 11:32

These scriptures (and there are more) are a source of strength all by themselves, but the point of it all is that Christ has chosen the weak. (look at how weak the Apostles were, and they were eye-witnesses) Hebrews even names some of them, and had previously named Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Moses – all of whom had documented weaknesses.

We are in great company if we are weak. And on a personal level, I have known many (mostly men) who were trying to mask their insecurities (weaknesses) with a posture of bullying, bellowing, blustering, etc, which tells me that all are – one way or another – living with "circumstances" or life-events that have left them with a feeling of incompleteness or incompetence, …, weaknesses. Men hate that. Women, bless their hearts, are born strong, and usually stay that way. In my youth, women were the ones who said “NO!” in various ways, but always firmly, while men were weak, sniveling, beggars and pleaders, trying to convince them to come down to their level. Connivers all. How it is the women got tricked to think that it was appropriate to act like men is beyond me – but I digress… The point of all this is that we are all weak to some degree, and only the Spirit can deliver us, empower us, and overcome our feelings of inadequacy – and He does! All of the names above, and many more in the Scriptures, were ultimately given heroic acts to fulfill, and they were enabled to do so – by faith.

I am humbled that God, through the Spirit, touched me, lit a fire in me, re-programmed my own self-destructive thoughts about myself, and purposed to give me purpose, poise, courage, responsibility, and whatever was needed to make me a stronger man – confident that, with simple faith in Him to perform whatever miracles are required to keep me going (haven’t you had a near-death experience that you aren’t sure how you escaped? I have), and that with daily Divine inspiration, I can always be moving in the right direction. In a man’s world, it’s called something like “dying with your spurs on, in the saddle”, and I carry on, in faith, in order to be in motion when He comes to claim me. This really shouldn’t be considered heroic, but a simple requirement of a man (who should also be required to search the Scriptures daily in order to grow in the Lord). It is tragic how America has been made weak, and how we choose not to grow up and fight the good fight, especially since the Word promises that, if we do, the Spirit will pitch in and give us all we need. Would you really think that a loving Father wouldn’t do this for all His kids? He says He will, and He is not known to change His mind, or lie.

So, brothers and sisters, I beseech you to accept/ignore your weaknesses, major in your strengths, learn and grow, and turn to the Word for encouragement to fight the good fight! He will help you all the way! Scriptural history has proved this over and over!

Confident in you, as is He, your fellow in weakness, and with love,
brother Ray

1 comment:

  1. Ray, I loved the devotional. It spoke directly to my heart, so thanks for sharing!
