Thursday, June 28, 2012

What I’ve Been Hearing

"One thing God has spoken, two things have I heard, that You, O God, are strong, and that you O Lord are loving." Psalm 62:11-12a

I am taking a day off today. So, you may say to yourself, why are you writing devotionals? Well, I, like you, sometimes just enjoy reading The Word when I have some time free. I am relaxing close to the ocean and was reading Psalms, when a word jumped out of The Word as I got to the 62nd Psalm. In verse 11, 'the one thing God has spoken' is a reference to the giving of the Law (The Ten Commandments), and the two things heard are a summation of what the fulfillment of the Law means, or what the essence of the Law boils down to.

1.) God is strong.... that is, mighty, sovereign and omnipotent. 2.) The Lord is loving.... that is, merciful, gracious and understanding.

Remember, the whole Law was condensed into two requirements; "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself." So where did I pause? Which word made me write a devotional on my day off'? So many key words. But, it wasn't a key word. The Word was "heard". When I read that God spoke once and David got two things that He heard, I immediately thought about how until I got my hearing aids about a month ago, I was only hearing about 1/2 of what was being said. I am so grateful and thankful to be hearing better. I didn't realize how much hearing I had lost. I slowly over recent years had been losing about half my optimum capacity to hear. Because I was compensating so much by reading lips and being super attentive, I wasn't even noticing my growing deafness. I had lost track of the fact that I couldn't hear the waves, or the crumpling of paper, or jingling keys, or birds in the morning, or children playing, or, or, or.... Too many things to list. At first, I was stubborn, like I was about getting prescription glasses again, and other expenses I don't want to spend on myself. (Decent hearing aids cost more than my second cars usually cost) Lol! Hey, it is the truth. Being able to hear God's creation better, including people, has been an amazing blessing to me. I am hearing twice as much and enjoying it ten times more. I feel like I was in an impoverished third world country and a missionary gave me my first glasses. When I hear things I haven't in a while, like the mail being delivered or the microwave from across the apartment, it makes me smile, or laugh, and even sometimes cry.

First week I had hearing aids I heard this beep beep in my ear and thought maybe I needed to change batteries, but no, it was just a cement truck backing up a block away. Never enjoyed one so much.

Indeed, God is mighty and loving and when we have a thankful and grateful heart we can feel, see and hear a lot of things, a lot better. Can you hear me now? Just a little spiritual sound check for us to consider today.

With Joy,
Pastor Fred

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