Tuesday, July 17, 2012


"Apply your hearts to instruction and your ears to words of instruction." Proverbs 23:12

I do so enjoy reading, studying and applying the principles of The Book of Proverbs. No wonder it is called The Book of Wisdom. Each proverb has meaning, substance and worthy application to real life. The heart and soul of Proverbs 23:12 jumps up with the first word, APPLY. Truth, God's Word, wisdom, knowledge, instruction, understanding all have limited worth and effect without application. Many people have told me over the years regarding my preaching that it is all about the application and the take home points. Sound doctrine is essential, compelling delivery is really important, but more vital is the absolute necessity to be able to give the listeners something to take home. Take home points are more important than humorous stories or textual analysis or theological constructs. People really want to know not only what your points are, but what to do with them. The proverb though is not written just to preachers so they study hard, get real and feed the sheep something that is spiritually nutritious. The proverb is written to believers, so they can learn to listen to the Spirit instruct their hearts. My job on Sundays is more to teach how to access the truth for self-feeding than it is to hand-feed anybody. In my life, as a Bible learner I seek knowledge and instruction from His truth so I can obtain His wisdom. Of course I do some reading of the writings of people far smarter, deeper and more learned than me. But, that does not replace my responsibility to dig into the Word as an individual Christian desiring truth. I don't ever read other Pastor's sermons and then reformat them on Sundays. I don't go to websites that outline sermon series or give clever illustrations to entertain. If I hear something pertinent that applies I will weave it in, but most often I use what is happening in my life or in the last week or two or even that morning that is fresh and real life oriented. I share this to encourage us all to let the Word of God speak to us personally. I never want to make sermons like some kind of a "big pitcher- little cups" type of experience.

My heartfelt desire is to make the listeners hungry for His Word, to whet their appetite for the Truth. It doesn't take a seminary education to apply Scripture. (This I know because I don't have one) What it does take is a willingness to apply ourselves to the application process. Let me recommend 3 things in closing about figuring out the application of the Bible.

1) Slow Down-- even if you are starving, chew, taste and swallow. Don't gulp. Better to get a lot out of a little than nothing out of a lot. 2) Make it personal-- a love letter written to you, a message from the Holy Spirit that is individualized. Listen to what God reveals to your heart. 3) Pray before, during and after you study. It will help to keep your focus and your purpose clear. I do this as a Bible learner and as a preacher/teacher of His Word. I hope your time in His Word is rich and full. You will get better at it. I remember my first month with my Blackberry phone, believing I would never get it and certainly never be able to write a devotional on a 'qwerty' keyboard. I just did it again and when I switch to a newer touch-screen phone eventually, I will learn that too. Why? Because I want to and need to and know I can. With God's help I can do anything, especially when it comes to learning or teaching His Word.

Your fellow student,
Pastor Fred

1 comment:

  1. Well, thank goodness for your teachable spirit and patient endurance as you learned how to make typing from the tiny Blackberry keyboard work! Thank you for the wise counsel and your humble heart!
