Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Our Days Are Numbered

"Teach us to number our days aright, that we might gain a heart of wisdom." Psalm 90:12

Sobering thought, huh? Not an easy lesson to learn, either. Indeed our days are numbered. We cannot add a single day to our own lives. Our very next breath is in His hands. Scripture is clear that there is a time appointed for every man to die. We don't get to leave until He says so. Even suicides, calamities, natural disasters, freak accidents and murders are subject to His permissive will. We shouldn't overestimate or underestimate our number of days. What a mystery it is that we quickly pass, soon fade and fly away, and at the same time we are worth Jesus, the Son to God, the Father.

How do we find our value in the middle of the tension between our worthlessness and our preciousness? Well, as overused as the phrase is.... “One day at a time.” There are two songs that come to mind "Precious Lord Lead Me On" and "Drop Kick Me Jesus, Through The Goal Posts Of Life". Whichever attitude I am having or song I am singing on any given day, the truth remains the same, God is the Author and Finisher of life. Not me and not anybody else. So, what kind of an application to real life can we make to numbering our days rightly? It is wise to realize, life is short, and precious, and we should live for God's plan and will. It is also wise to make the most eternal good we can of each day we are given. What purpose can God use today for, and what step can I take towards fulfilling His will for me while I am here? I want to be effective and productive and enjoy life in Him as much as I possibly can. Wisdom is finding that balance between serious commitment and easygoing celebration. So, I encourage us to redeem the time and invest in what matters most. Can we be joyously serious and seriously joyful? After all, today not only is the first day of the rest of your life, it could be your last. Either way, you win because of His saving grace and eternal plan. Life is what you and He make of it. You can do anything, you and He can agree on. So live, love, give and serve. One day at a time, for a whole lifetime, however long that might be?

With a heart seeking His wisdom,
Pastor Fred

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