Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Knowing Only in Part

"For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears." I Corinthians 13:9-10

Anyone who "knows it all" or who is "perfect", be forewarned, you won't like this very much. Actually, come to think of it, if you do "know it all" or are perfect you wouldn't need to read this anyway. But, if you occasionally dabble in a bit of narcissism; or are prone to intellectual delusions of grandeur, or can be a little "full of yourself" from time to time, read on.... I know I am finding my own thoughts rather compelling and convicting right now.

These verses are part of the well-known and oft-quoted “Love Chapter”. The beginning and end of this chapter sum up the essence of God's love. It is a treatise on the character of God, in that, God IS love. When we are followers of Christ, we imitate His character. We have to because it does not come naturally. By nature, we are not loving.

When perfect Jesus (He is the only perfect one you know) comes into our hearts, our lifelong transformation process begins. Our imperfection is brought into submission and alignment with His perfection, but it takes time and effort. I know I need to try harder and not be so hard on myself, at the same time. God, on the other hand, He is not in process (only thing that isn't). He is pre-existent; meaning He always was and always will be for that matter.

Here is my main point. Since we only know in part, agreed?.... Maybe we should only prophesy (speak the truth) about what we really know. We know God's Love for example, and His grace and mercy. Good things to speak about. But, what we really don't know about is hardly anything about what other people think and feel. As often as we talk (gossip?) about each other though, you would think we know everything, or at least a lot more than we really do. Not a very loving thing to do when you think about it. If we need to speak the truth in detail about somebody we really should talk about ourselves. It is what we really know (except for the self denial stuff, of course). Our lives are chocked full of unsubstantiated and unfounded opinions and spins about everything. Everything changes, even the facts. But, love, His love, never fails.

So, today I am, once again reflectively aware of what I know and what I don't know. Even admitting that I sense in my spirit that I don't know even as little as I think I know. I do know this, God loves us and desires for us 'good things'. He desires that for all His followers and it may not help much when we talk so much about what we don't really know. I think I will just be quiet for a little while and let that sink in.

In Him,
Pastor Fred

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