Monday, January 28, 2013


"He brought them out of darkness and the deepest gloom, and broke away their chains." Psalm 107:14

These words minister to me today, for a number of reasons. I know a lot of people are suffering to varying degrees with depression, bouts with deep, dark, despairing gloom, spiritual attacks or bondage, or a host of other maladies. Only God can bring you out of this kind of a time in your life, no matter how dark, and no matter how deep. He can give you a breakthrough. Through the years, God's people have suffered adversity and affliction, and always when they turn to Him, He helps. Let me describe a couple of scenarios that He can help with, so you can relate.

Say you are in prison, He knows, He cares. As a matter of fact, He has special affection for the prisoner. Many times in His Word, He challenges people to minister to those who are incarcerated. These chains are breakable.

Say you are under heavy obligation with fines, or high interest rates, or mounting medical costs. God cares about you and as insurmountable as your debt may seem, He can see you through. Turn to Him for counsel.

Say you are brokenhearted, having been hurt emotionally or even worse, hurt again. Your dreams of a lasting relationship have been smashed, and your sensitivity to being hurt is at an all-time high. God is there for you, and He promises He won't leave you or forsake you, and will heal your wounds.

Say you have failed, again. No matter what it was; you are just sick of not measuring up, or ever being able to follow through, or seemingly trapped in your current circumstance. As gloomy as that seems, Jesus is the light for you.

Say you have a compulsion; or habit, or addiction, a repeat behavior that puts you and everything in your life at risk. You want to surrender it, you need to surrender it, and you still can surrender it, with God's help. He will keep helping you, and your bondage can be broken.

Say you feel so all alone. Everybody thinks you are Ok, but you know you are not. You wonder if anyone cares or even notices that you are alive. God made you especially for His purposes and He wants to reveal them to you. Don't give up.

Say you are so tired and so weary of carrying the load of responsibility, that you feel you alone, must bear. As dark as your hopes are of ever being free to enjoy your own life, God can lift your burden and lighten your load. Let Him give you a hand.

Say you don't know what is wrong, but you know something is, and you have a sinking feeling that you are missing something, or haven't done something, or have a mysterious problem. God knows the answer, ask Him for comfort.

Say your poor body is aching or your ongoing health issues are beleaguering, and nagging, and just won't subside. Don't give up, God is your healer and knows so well what is going on with you, because He made you. Never forget that.

Say your attitude and your perception have grown negative, and you are lashing out at others or are languishing in your unforgiveness or bitterness, you have no joy in your life, and you don't even want to try, God will hear you out, talk to Him.

What can God not handle? He can bring you out of darkness, and the deepest gloom, and break your chains. Trust Him, turn to Him, seek Him, let Him be who He is, in your life. He has always done it for His people, is doing it now for His people, and will do it for you.

His too,
Pastor Fred

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