Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Great Love of a Great God

"For great is your love, higher than the heavens; your faithfulness, reaches to the skies." Psalm 108:4

God's love is so much greater than ours. Our love can reach for the skies, but not to the skies. Our love can sometimes imitate God's love, or reflect God's love, but never can it supersede or replace God's love. We can love like He loves, but our love will never compare to the height or depth of His love. His love is unconditional and our love has conditions. We should strive to love more like He loves, always recognizing our limitations.

His love has no limits; it is endless, bottomless, matchless, precious and perfect.

God loves us. He loves me. He loves you. God so loved the world. Sometimes, I just need to meditate on that truth and let it sink into my deepest parts, so that I can appreciate it. This verse reminds me that the connection between me and Him is not based on time and space. The old question goes...."If you aren't as close to God as you used to be, guess who moved?" If you are not thinking straight today, it is always us who moves away from Him. But, isn't it always His love that comes and gets us? Doesn't He seem to show us kindness; or sends a word, or song, or encouragement, or reminder of something to draw us back to Him? We can run but we cannot hide. We can pull away, or turn away, or walk away, or close our eyes, or shut down, but He always draws us back. It is indeed His kindness that leads us to repentance. We need this kind of love.

From time to time, reach your hands up to heaven just to remind yourself that His love reaches that high. Look into the sky, above the clouds during the day, beyond the stars at night, and think of how great is the love of God, that reaches to the heavens. When I consider this great love, I can’t resist Him. I can lean on Him, trust in Him, and walk with Him. Look beyond your own limits to love and reflect on His limitless love. The great love of a great God.

In Him,
Pastor Fred

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