Wednesday, January 2, 2013

What are you looking for?

"But now Lord, what do I look for? My hope is in you." Psalm 39

David continues battling within himself in this Psalm trying to keep quiet and not able to, then putting everything into the big perspective and that doesn't seem to help him, either. He then simplifies his personal plight by asking himself a simple question. Simply put he asks.... "Hey David, so what exactly are you looking for?" Please allow me to interject some of my more probing questions here and give the obvious answer. Hope you can relate.

You looking for peace? He is the only hope for peace. You looking for approval? He is the only one whose approval matters in the final analysis. You looking for wealth? You can't take it with you. You looking for meaning? He is the truth. You looking for direction? He is the way. You looking for life? He is the life. You looking for happiness? He is the only lasting joy. You looking for answers? He is the answer. OR, are you looking for something that doesn't exist or isn't there? A trouble-free life, problem-less days? No trouble at all?

That just isn't going to happen. Since that is true then we really have to turn to Him for everything. This is what David does and what you and I should do. What are you looking for? Can you answer honestly? Whatever it is, it will not replace what you really need and that is Him. He indeed is our hope, and our only hope. So today, keep looking to Him and whatever else has your undivided attention, share that with Him too.

Take care, Pastor Fred

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