Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Biblical Humor

"Then Peter stood up with the Eleven, raised his voice and addressed the crowd: “Fellow Jews and all of you who live in Jerusalem, let me explain this to you; listen carefully to what I say. These people are not drunk, as you suppose. It’s only nine in the morning!" Acts 2:13-15

After the Holy Spirit came upon them, the early believers were able to speak in languages they did not know, in order to reach all the people visiting from around the world in Jerusalem on that miraculous day. For lack of explanations as to how that could happen, a rumor spread through the crowds that they were drunk with wine and it somehow, as they say, “was the liquor talking”. Of course, this was not true and in order to squelch the rumor, Peter gets everyone’s attention to say it is not true and before he explains with a prophecy from the Book of Joel, adds a little note of humor by saying in essence…….”Hey everybody, these men aren’t drunk, it’s only nine in the morning.” I love his use of humor to reverse the misunderstanding. It was way too early to be drunk. Now, if it were happy hour I could see what you were saying, but nine in the morning, get serious. Nobody is drunk this early unless you have a real problem. When people believe you are believable it gives more credibility to what you say. The use of humor is an effective tool to break the ice, connect and be personable with a crowd or just one person. It was as though Peter used the rumor to make a joke so he could have their attention for what he really needed to say.

Acts 2 is a brilliant message that the Spirit gave Peter to share. Acts 2:41 says about 3,000 followed Christ that day and believed on Him as Savior.

Appropriate humor, (after all, life is kinda funny, you know) can be just the medicine that Dr. Luke ordered. I hope you have the opportunity to be winsome, candid, and effective in your witness. Maybe not with thousands, but how about a few or just one. Hey, maybe you could witness today, if it is before noon, you probably aren’t drunk yet. Just kidding.

Sharing the Good News,
Pastor Fred

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