Thursday, April 25, 2013

Filled with the Holy Spirit Again

"After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly." Acts 4:11

As I write devotionals through the Book of Acts, I am struck by the details that come to light when I read longer sections of scripture. Some of the events that happened with the disciples are well known and others are less often taught or covered in Bible studies. This verse happens after Peter and John report back to the early believers about their experience before the Sanhedrin. The priests had instructed them to not speak the name of Jesus. Of course, they said they could not stop. Peter and John then go back to their own people and shared their hearts, to which the believers quote scripture about how rulers will gather against the Lord. Then a prayer is made on behalf of all asking God to stretch out His hand to heal and perform miraculous signs and wonders through the name of His holy servant Jesus. At the end of that prayer, the room shakes and all are filled with the Holy Spirit and each one spoke the word boldly.

Let me make three observations about this verse. First, we should pray for power from God to be bold. Being bold is not easy and is often risky. Yet, when we speak the Word with boldness He always empowers us and protects and guides our words. When we ask for boldness and for power He equips us to share.

Second, 'all' were filled. The church is not made up of those who are filled and those who are not. Granted, some faithfully act out on their having been indwelt with the Holy Spirit and others fall into timidity. But, all are filled. We all must allow the Holy Spirit to use us however He leads. This accounting is not Pentecost where they were filled in order to communicate the gospel with other languages unknown to them. This is a subsequent 'filling' of the Holy Spirit. An additional touch for His divine purposes. We are all indwelt with the Holy Spirit at salvation, but are filled as many times, or empowered as many times as He desires and we are willing at the same time.

Third observation is simply this... We may need to be shaken in order for the Holy Spirit to get our attention. In our complacency or comfort, we can forget to pray for power and for His filling in order to serve Him according to His will. We have much to learn of the Holy Spirit. When God is at work and lives are being changed we see so much more evidence of His power and leading.

Lately, I have been seeing much more of this power, and am seeing more shaking and filling, too. At such times, we should definitely pray and ask Him to move and work through us.

With His Power,
Pastor Fred

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