Wednesday, April 24, 2013

One Heart and One Mind

"All the believers were one in heart and mind." Acts 5:32

Unity is one of the most powerful forces possible. In order for unity to take place and be maintained there must be mutual surrender to a commonality. That common ground can only be Christ. He is the head of the Body, and when all surrender to Him as head, He can draw together everyone in that wonderful thing called unity. When we are in "one accord" as some versions read, all pettiness, division, disharmony, acrimony, personal agenda and politics can be put aside. This phenomenon happens when pastors, leaders and people agree to make Him the most important thing. We must always keep the main thing, the main thing. All other opinions and preferences must be subject to Christ's control. Someone might say, 'o.k. BUT, who then gets to make decisions? All decisions must be made prayerfully and with careful consideration of guidance from His Word. Whenever any group of humans tries to work together for the Lord there can and will be conflict. The prayerful and humble resolution of conflict in the spirit of unity is an amazing process to see. I have experienced it a number of times and I must say it is awesome to watch God's Spirit move in a group of brothers and sisters. I also must confess that it is a lot easier to experience unity either when there is tremendous success or progress or especially when there is tremendous persecution or attack. People rally together when they are advancing or when they have to defend the main thing.

I have seen the best examples of unity when the obvious blessing and power of the Lord is being manifested and when the attack of the enemy is strongest; the times that are often the most dis-unifying are when there is slow decline or sagging morale or trouble, or when there is slow trans-formative change or resistance to change. We should always bathe every process in prayer.

Lately, due to a changing role in my duties as Pastor I am more aware of my own participation in the process, both for better and for worse. I sometimes tend to keep the peace at too great a price and avoid healthy conflict to a fault. When I am not as enmeshed in the process I can be more objective. As for my part, I must remain focused on Him and making Him the main focus. I have to concentrate on my own humility and the big picture that takes consideration of the whole Body.

Unity is a fragile balance and must be desired and appreciated for the amazing blessing that it is. Unity means everybody and it means being as one in the way we think (based on His Word) and the way we feel (based on the same Spirit). I pray for the continuing and developing spirit of unity in Grace Harbor. May it always be based on Christ and what He desires for us. May it be maintained by all knowing that it is He that is glorified when we make Him the main thing.

In the Spirit of His unifying grace,
Pastor Fred

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