Thursday, February 20, 2014

A Clear Conscience

"So I strive always to keep my conscience clear before God and man." Acts 24:16

When Paul makes this statement he is defending himself before Felix, the Governor. Paul is tried a number of times before a variety of courts and different characters. He is always forthcoming and candid with his remarks and often makes a concerted effort to witness to whoever is trying him. Felix is an interesting cat (couldn't resist He is a political opportunist who is mostly concerned about his own self-promotion. Felix should not have a clear conscience, because he is duplicitous and conniving. He plays the Jews against the law of the land and is always ready for a bribe. As a matter of fact, scripture records that he slow played Paul's process across two years hoping for a bribe from somebody. It never came and he was replaced by Porcius Festus. (I don't make these names up, I just copy them, but I am pretty sure his nickname was not Porky.... sorry couldn't pass that up either!) What an interesting cast of characters, and each one with their own agendas and issues. But, just like us, God uses them in the situations of their lives to move His will and ultimate plan forward. That is why in the midst of all this legal nonsense Paul's statement about conscience is so refreshing. I should make this statement every day and so should you. We should always endeavor to keep our consciences clear before God and man. I think if they are clear before God, He will help us with the clarity before man. I think the key word in Paul's statement is the word 'strive'. It takes some effort to have a clear conscience. The efforts of confession, transparency and integrity are not easy and never perfect. But, we should try harder. As I write this today I wonder how many of us would be deeply convicted or incapable of saying that we actually strive to keep our consciences clear before God and man. So my battles today are mostly between my ears, just like you. May we all make a more concerted effort to clear our consciences and strive at keeping them clear before God, and consequently before man. That process is between you and God. I know, because it is for me too, between me and God. In this moment I have surrendered myself to Him again and it is a good start to this day.

In His Service with you, Pastor Fred

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