Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Word at Work in You

"And we also thank God continually because, when you received the Word of God which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of man, but as it actually is, the Word of God, which is at work in you who believe." 1Thessalonians 2:13

As we mature in Christ Jesus there is a relationship with the Word of God that matures also. As new believers we don't usually know much about His Word. The Bible is more than a book, more than scripture, more than history, more than the accounts of Christ and the early church. The Word of God, the Bible is just that, His Word. His Word as Hebrews says... "is living and active". It is His Living Word. The power and understanding, wisdom and direction that come from His Word is different than any other words from any other sources. Paul here is thankful for the Thessalonians hunger for His Word. Not the words of men, but the Word of God. When believers hear His Word they are fed spiritually. Nourished, so they can mature and grow up in Christ. Regrettably, many Christians are malnourished and underdeveloped because of a lack of spiritual food in their lives. We must desire, seek and understand our need to feed on the truth from His Word. It is what sustains us, literally.

Only when we receive the Word of God can we be fed by it.You can't get the nourishment you need for your spiritual development from just prayer or worship or even sermons and Christian music. You must feed on, devour for nutritional understanding, His Word. Only if you eat it, can it feed you. Only if you have a regular diet of studying His Word can you expect to grow up inside your spirit. It is never too late to do this. As the old saying goes... the only way to eat an elephant (the Bible is a big book you know, and not easy to consume), but you have to do it one bite at a time. Too many believers are faking their feeding responsibility for His Word. They snack on it occasionally or try to take vitamin doses of what other's have understood as a way to appear fed. The only way to intake the Word of God is to slow down and chew it. Especially the meat of the word. Other believers only eat the sweet stuff. You know, the nice verses, the memorable passages that go down easiest. Most Christians don't get near enough of the sustenance they need from His Word. So, they have a lackluster faith, that is easily discouraged.

My guess is that many of you are pretty convicted by now, but do not lose hope. You can read and understand His Word. Even if you haven't really studied much or at all. Get started. Go to a Christian Book Store. Get a Study Bible in a translation you can understand. Listen to Bible Study on the radio or television. Also though, make sure one on one with God you take time to read His Word, word by word for understanding. Google the term "Inductive Bible Study". Find out how to study. If you would like to have a session or two or three with me to learn how to study the Bible.... Please just ask. I would love to share how you who believe can study the Bible and understand it in such a way that it can work in you. If you sense you are missing something as a believer, this could be it. Accept my challenge to try it or get help in trying it.

Try it, you'll like it!
Pastor Fred

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