Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Our Inheritance

"..an inheritance that can never perish spoil or fade---kept in heaven for you."
1 Peter 1:4

The preceding verse tells us that the gift of new birth in Christ is this inheritance. I have never received any kind of inheritance other than the spiritual kind and probably won't, but I wouldn't trade my eternal reward for all the money in the world. You see, in my life I have been in plenty (at least by my standards) and in want (again by my standards).

I haven't been "uber-rich" nor have I gone hungry. But, my experience has taught me that everything in this world, and I mean everything, will either perish, spoil or fade. Most things unbelievably do all three. Oh the things and desires that have been so eventually unfulfilling over time, that at the time I thought would make me so happy, satisfied or secure. Only one thing has ever completely met my need, and that is Jesus.

His love is imperishable, fresh and brilliant. But, the things of this world, the fame and fortune, the looks, the intelligence, the connections, the success are all but dust in the wind. As I write this, all the Christmas shopping is done and I still have money in the bank. The bills are paid and I have a plan to replace my dying car within a couple of months. I have no debt, no savings, a meager retirement fund and I have earned Social Security in about another year, unless they raise the age again. I don't foresee retiring very soon, and I want nothing more than to be His servant and to be a loving husband, papa, pastor and friend. Yet the lure of the things of this world are still very real.

So I have no complaint. I only have choices. This day I choose to put Him first. I will try to be a good steward. I desire to be a blessing. I am conscious of my weaknesses and my limitations. I am also aware of His power and His hope. So I will forge ahead and give Him the glory. All the nuisances and troubles and disappointments of this world pale by comparison to the riches of His grace.

Onward and Upward in Him,
Pastor Fred

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