Monday, December 8, 2014

Forgive as the Lord Forgave You

"Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you." Colossians 3:13
Sometimes it is good to begin with the ending of a verse and then go back and try to understand more by rereading the passage many times. The directive that Paul is giving us from the Lord is simple. Forgive. Period. It is our duty and responsibility to forgive. It is a sin not to forgive. We know what forgive means. It means to let it go. It means to put it in the past. It means to get over it. How did Jesus forgive us? He died forgiving us. He bled forgiving us. He suffered forgiving us. He bore our sin forgiving us. He bore not only our sin, but every sin of everybody else forgiving us all. He actually died for the sins of others that hurt me personally. I must forgive or I am doomed to be bitter, limited, trapped and unfulfilled. Unforgiveness is the sin that cripples the church today. So many folks have left churches without forgiving. So many believers have put a happy face band aid over the sins that others have hurt them with and are pretending that everything is just fine. It isn't fine. It is why we are dysfunctional. It is why we are prone to repeating our errors. It is why we are swapping sheep between churches. It is why we don't enjoy church as much as we should. Now let us go back to the beginning of the verse and highlight some words.

Bear.... it is a load of it and it seems extra heavy at times. Each Other.... it is a two way street. Whatever.... no matter what it is, no exceptions. Grievances.... it grieves the Holy Spirit that we don't. protracts conflict. One Another.... we are part of the same Body of Christ.

So, let us all forgive as the Lord has forgiven us. Completely, sincerely and unconditionally. Let us do so generously. I think there are many tears to be shed and much work to be done in the area of forgiveness. Just now I am free of any load or anything against anyone. Feels pretty awesome. The Lord has forgiven me, so I can forgive myself and others. That freedom is amazing. I encourage us all to forgive each other and ourselves. You may need to start with asking God to forgive you for not forgiving. Wherever you need to begin, do so.

With His Grace,

Pastor Fred

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