Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Inexpressible and Glorious Joy

"Though you have not seen Him, you love Him; and even though you do not see Him now, you believe in Him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your souls." 1 Peter 1:8-9

When we truly experience the joy of our salvation, it surpasses our need to see the Lord in person. Some of the early believers got to see Jesus in the flesh. Got to not only see Him, but to hear Him, touch Him and be with Him. What an amazing experience that would be. But, He only ministered for 3 years and then ascended to heaven to be seen, heard, touched and present in the flesh no more.

Though all believers since the ascension have not had the privilege of a face to face encounter with Christ on the earth we still can experience the full inexpressible joy of what that would be. How? Because He lives in us when we believe in Him and receive Him. If this is a difficult thing for you, to actually connect with the Christ who is in you, you can change that. When we truly believe we must accept His promises. He promises to never leave us or forsake us. He promises to live in our hearts. He promises to reveal Himself to us in exchange for our faith and belief. Salvation is a very personal experience. When it happens we are transformed and never see things the same again. But, we are perplexed because of the longings and draw of this world and easily forget that He lives in us.

This is where the joy comes from. Joy so intense and real that it can't really be expressed adequately. An inexpressible and glorious joy. This joy literally leaves us at a loss for words. I somewhat am experiencing this joy right now as I write. I realize that unless you know this joy it is hard for you to imagine what it is. It is the end result of salvation. You see, I know because He is in me and I know Him as Savior and have received salvation from Him that I am OK, I am secure in Him. I know His love and His provision supersede my feelings about my situation or circumstance.

Peter is encouraging all believers after the ascension who never actually saw Him, or heard Him, or touched Him or got to be with Him.... that their experience with the Lord is just as real. That by faith and belief we can experience the same inexpressible and glorious joy as the Apostles or as Mary or as the centurion who believed or Lazarus or Peter himself. I pray you know this joy. I am feeling it now, just talking about it. Maybe that is part of the key. Perhaps we have to talk about it more, think about it more, share it more and embrace it more. I can spiritually feel Him embracing me now. Why? Because, I have faith and believe. It transcends a physical experience. It is a spiritual experience.

You can know Him as well as Billy Graham or Paul or Martin Luther or Mother Theresa. We all have equal access to Him. He is in me the same way as He is in the people of greatest faith. I just need to receive it. To accept it. To respond to it in faith. Sure, I would love to have experienced it firsthand, but I do know Him firsthand. He is in me and has given me the greatest gift ever. His grace. That gives me inexpressible and glorious joy. Access your gift from Him today. Tell Him you desire to experience His salvation and the inexpressible and glorious joy that comes with it. Then, watch for the evidence and the peace and fulfillment that will follow. I know it just now as I write this to you.

In His presence and full of His joy because of my salvation,
Pastor Fred

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