Monday, January 12, 2015


"Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at His coming." 1 Peter 1:13

Sobriety and alertness are in and of themselves fascinating subjects for devotionalizing. In the context of this verse though let me stick with the point of the passage first. First of all, what is the therefore there for? Because of the wonderful message of grace revealed in His Word that we have heard that even the angels long to study about. So we should desire for our minds to be fully sober (I suppose as opposed to being partially sober?) lol..... Anyway, fully sober is a good thing. A best thing. The right and righteous thing. Now, being fully sober and alert at the same time is particularly effective. I think our sobriety and alertness can both feed each other and undermine each other.

How in the world can we expect to have any hope if we are not alert and sober? We wouldn't recognize hope if it ran us over? We must be in our right minds and fully conscious, unaltered and clear headed in order to access hope. You could miss so many things by not being sober or distracted. We should be ready at all times to do everything from give a witness to get raptured. We take it so lightly what a loss it is to be mindless, or careless. We somehow think that careless and carefree are the same thing. They are not.

You can't be somewhat sober any more than you can be somewhat pregnant or somewhat saved. You are either sober or not, pregnant or not or saved or not. Same way with being alert. You are either alert or you are not. I have “heart” people say that they weren't very alert. What does the billboards say? Distracted driving is drunk driving. Buzzed driving is drunk driving. Take care of your mind please. Mind your mind if you will. Then you can set your hope on the coming of Christ and on the many revelations He wants to share with you

We live in a culture with mores that rationalize and play word games with realities. Very few voices in our ears speak of absolutes or principles, virtues or commitments. Are you ready? Are you vigilant? Are you aware of what is really happening? Or, are you oblivious, or being played, or acquiescing to whatever distracts you in the moment. Sobering considerations. I am not saying that you need to be a guard dog on a chain or a completely boring individual… just a sober, alert one. One whose mind is set on His hope. Don't lose track of who you are or what is most important because of the lure of this world.

I am writing this on New Year's Eve. How many fools fell into the trap of their own making and weaknesses tonight in the name of a "good time" or "partying". Well, did you? Do you? Will you? Set your mind on Him. Let Him give you freedom instead of taking license. Too many will be injured, embarrassed or even lose their lives because even believers are so unwise about these matters. Think twice, then think again.

In Him,
Pastor Fred

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