Wednesday, May 6, 2015


"For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, 'He has a demon.' The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, 'Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and "sinners." ' But wisdom is proved right by her actions." Matthew 11:18-19

You know the saying, “Danged if you do, danged if you don’t!” Frankly, John wasn’t at all about food and as the one who was preparing the Way, he was perfectly aligned with God’s will. Jesus, on the other hand was all about food. He was constantly sitting at tables with people, eating.

This is a sensitive subject for me, because I don’t have constant control over my eating. I need to differentiate between my food addictions, choices, habits and the Biblical mandate that we should eat together, often. My secret binges as a “fast foodie” or gluttony are a far cry from church potlucks, Supper Six meals, lunch appointments, dinner out with friends or family BBQ’s. None of which are my real problem, if I didn’t have the “other problem.”

My wife gave me an article to read a couple of weeks ago, which I blew through in case she asked. Now I am really reading it and am so convicted about it I must share, to hold myself accountable. We used to have many young adults over for dinner, often. It was wonderful, BBQ’s, tacos, chili, potluck buffets and leftovers. We loved it, they loved it. We miss it. We got busy; they got married, etc., etc. Let’s bring back the table. Family meals included, especially extended family. The New Testament calls it breaking bread, fellowship and being together. After all we get together, let’s eat!! Can we bring the table back please? We have in general gotten away from the table, and I for one need to stop eating alone. I need to cut way way back on driving thru. I wanna break bread with my Christian friends, around my little table in my kitchen or in nicer weather around our patio table. Every time the weather turns I say, “Let’s have people over.” Let’s bring back the table!!

By the way… sharing a meal and fellowshipping for me can’t be a day long ordeal or 3-4 hours either. How about a couple of hours around the table? May not be the same for everybody but for me, I need some parameters. So, don’t be surprised if I bring back the table at my house or include you in one of my “not so fast” food meals.

See you at the table,
Pastor Fred

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