Friday, May 22, 2015

"Memorial Day" by: Council Member, Patrice Parker

"Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others." Philippians 2:3-4

Memorial Day is traditionally the day on which we remember the ultimate sacrifice of a member of the military. The giving of their life. I spent a bit of time looking at statistics. How many people have given their life since the inception of our country? More than 1.4 million.. Take a deep breath and give that a bit of thought. That is the number of people that gave their life so that I could write this devotional. It will be posted on the website for Grace Harbor Church and School and ultimately could be read by anyone that wants to read it. Those 1.4 million people died to protect my right to freedom of speech and freedom of religion. I can come to Grace Harbor any Sunday or for that matter any day that I want, and worship because those people fought for my right to do that. They didn’t know me, I didn’t know them but they gave the ultimate sacrifice of their life.

I recently saw a video on Facebook. It was a video of bibles being distributed in a foreign country. Bibles were being taken out of a suitcase that was just packed full of books. They were so excited about the books, like little kids at Christmas with presents, holding them to their chests, kissing the covers and crying in joy. It makes one stop and think. I can drive a mile, stop by the Christian book store and buy as many bibles as I want because someone died for my right to freedom of religion. It definitely puts it all into a different perspective.

So this weekend while we are enjoying an extra day off, and worshiping at Grace Harbor we need to stop and thank the men and women that have died for our right to worship our Lord and Savior. Those freedoms which we sometimes take for granted were bequeathed on us through someone’s ultimate unselfish gift. They set their own interest aside and gave of themselves. It is an example set by our Lord. He gave his life so we could live. They gave their life so we have freedoms. I am thankful and humbled by all that is done by a stranger on my behalf. Lord Jesus we pray that you take them in your arms and let them know that we value their sacrifice.

Your sister in Christ,
Patrice Parker

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