Tuesday, May 19, 2015

“Walk in the Light of the Lord” Devotion by: Council Member, Patrice Parker

"Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you, who walk in the light of your presence, LORD. They rejoice in your name all day long; they celebrate your righteousness." Psalm 89:15-16

Interesting how life can be. In the midst of chaos, drama and what sometimes can be called the normal day to day stuff we forget where our focus needs to be. That is because new habits are hard to come by and we tend to want to deal with our everyday stuff ourselves.

I need to remember that the Lord is with me always. I am learning when I keep him front and center that it changes my perception of and response to the situation that is in front of me. It reminds me to speak with love instead of anger, encouragement instead of disapproval and patient instead of intolerance.

This is not an easy thing to do. In our lives we tend to open our mouths before thinking and being in a reactive mode instead of a proactive one. Being proactive on my job is a continual daily process. I have all kinds of reminders and tools for staying on top of my court calendar. I need to take that proactive approach and put it to work in my relationship with the Lord. I will just have to figure out how to develop new habits. That in itself is a challenge. If it means setting a specific time for daily reflection or a new devotional, then I guess that is what I will do. I think I will also need to learn to take a deep breath sometimes before I react or open my mouth to speak.

Life is a continual work in progress and I am taking baby steps each and every day to bring him first and foremost into my life. I am betting that I will be working on this the rest of my life.

I pray that I continue to see those daily reminders of his presence and plan. I believe that as I walk the path the Lord has set before me, I do not walk it alone or in the dark. He lights my path and I rejoice and celebrate that I am a child of the Lord.

Your sister in Christ,

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