Wednesday, May 13, 2015


“So then, let us aim for harmony in the church and try to build each other up.” Romans 14:19 (NLT)

Just like in music, harmony is better than discord. Harmony is not easy nor does it happen automatically. It takes spacing, timing and practice. Note, in this verse we are to aim at it and try to build each other up. We, by nature tend to tear each other down and often miss the target of harmony for lack of effort to take aim at it. As I have said before, church would be easier without the humans. But alas, we are the Body of Christ, an organism, and not a robot or machine that is just an organization. One of the most discordant things that is pervasive in all churches is gossip. Gossip destroys unity, creates disharmony and aims to cause trouble and tries to dismantle God’s work among us.

We can only combat gossip with our ears. It is the hearing of gossip that is the problem. Can’t stop people from saying what they shouldn't say, but we can cut it off a lot sooner. It is every believer’s responsibility to own what they hear. Certainly be careful what you say. Perhaps that “goes without saying” as the saying goes. But hearing is the key. Maybe that should be our aim. Maybe we can build by taking away the fuel of those who set fires. The tongue is a blaze and a tiny flame can erupt into an inferno. But, without fuel, fire dies.

Let’s harmonize by keeping appropriate spacing and timing with our ears. Not listening takes practice. By the way you do know who the biggest gossip is, don’t you? You won’t hear me say and I don’t want to hear it from you either.

Aiming for building that harmony, love…
Pastor Fred

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