Monday, September 19, 2011

Build an ARK?

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths." Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV

Have you ever watched a movie that made you laugh so hard that your eyes watered? I did the other night. I watched the movie EVAN ALMIGHTY. This movie was set in today's society, and the story line was that God had asked the main character to build an Ark.

The various scenes show him fighting with God, because he can't believe that God would speak to Him. Or the idea of building an Ark in this day an age was just totally absurd. But eventually, the character does give in and builds the Ark. And guess what? There was a "flood", but not like the Biblical one. This flood was caused by the dam breaking, and the Ark saved everyone who lived under the dam. This movie got me thinking... If God asked us to build an Ark, would we? Would we have the faith strong enough to do this? Would we be willing to sacrifice our careers to be obedient to God?

This morning's passage of scripture lays out very powerful, but yet a very simple truth for us to follow. It gives us simple instructions on what we should do, and then it explains the benefits that we will receive. So, what are our instructions? First, Trust in the Lord! Second, Don't lean on our understanding. Third, In everything acknowledge God. After we do that, God directs our actions so that whatever we are doing for Him it will be a success. Wow! That's pretty simple, right? Yea, you bet it is. However, why is it we have such a difficult time doing that? Like the main character, Evan, whenever God encourages us to do something, we think "Not Me Lord. I can't do this. Lord you're wrong, I'm not the right person for this." But once we trust God, and not lean not on our understanding as to why or how it's going to get done, and then just acknowledge that God is in control and that He will make it happen, then everything just falls into place and the desired outcome will happen. With us following these three needed steps, we can relax and have total confidence that God will direct and guide us through our project, because that is what He promises to do based on this passage of scripture. So, next time God asks you to step out and do something for Him, no matter how far it's going to stretch you out of your comfort zone... Go For It! Cause you will be empowered, directed and guided by the Holy Spirit, and your success is guaranteed, because you can never fail when you're being obedient and God is in control. So, let's go build an ARK-or whatever else God's called us to do!!!

Have Blessed Day in the Lord!
Brother Rick

1 comment:

  1. I watched that movie for the first time a few weeks ago and I was also brought to tears. It made God's presence in my own life feel more real, and did so at a time when I was desperate to feel it. He is so awesome and creative in the ways He gets our attention and responds to our needs.

    I'm reminded of a time four years ago when He asked me to do something that I thought was ridiculous. He asked me to write a letter to someone (more specifically, a celebrity), and though I strongly resisted for quite some time, I eventually chose obedience and gave in. "God, this is stupid. I don't even know this person, and I feel like an idiot writing this letter," was the gist of my initial complaints. However, I found that I was more afraid of NOT doing what I believed He was asking, and I began to write. To this day I have no idea what, if anything, came from that letter but I know He has since asked me to do similar things on many occasions. Truthfully, I still resist when it’s a request I feel is silly (and He seems to make that seemingly silly kind of me often), but I’m learning to respond with a “yes, Lord, I’m here to do as You ask,” more often and not with what my flesh tries to scream, which is somewhere along the lines of “God, that’s crazy and I’m NOT doing it!” The last recipient of one of my “from God” letters? Donald Trump. I can’t even put into words how absurd I felt at the onset of that letter’s composition. More than that, however, I can’t believe I just shared it with all of you – talk about your embarrassing admission! Don’t ask me who the letter four years ago was to, I’ll never tell  Anyway, I’m grateful for the reminder to always obey the Lord, even when it seems silly. Thank you, Brother Rick, for yet another inspiring message!
